
  • 网络inverter compressor;variable speed compressor
  1. 在对电子膨胀阀的特性及制冷系统的运行规律的认真分析基础之上,设计了变频压缩机的精准在线控制。

    Basing on analyzing the characteristic of EEV and running rule of refrigerating system in detail , it designs precise online control of inverter compressor .

  2. 变频压缩机的原理是通过调节压缩机的转速而调节压缩机的单位时间内的排气量,从而达到调节电子膨胀阀的开度,从而达到调节制冷量的目的。

    The principle of inverter compressor is controlling discharge amount per unit time by changing the speed of compressor , consequently , so that we achieve the purpose of opening of the electronic expansion valve and control of refrigeration capacity .

  3. 本文对1HP变频压缩机变频特性进行分析,对影响压缩机COP、噪音、信赖性等方面的结构进行改进,从而开发出高效低噪变频压缩机。

    For the purpose to develop the compressor with high efficiency and low noise , study of the characteristics of 1 HP inverter compressor and improvement of the structure related to the performance such as COP , noise and reliability are put forward .

  4. 滚动转子变频压缩机低频振动及其控制

    The Low Frequency Vibration of Rolling Piston Inverter-compressor and Its Control

  5. 转子径向间隙对滚动转子式变频压缩机性能的影响

    Effects of Radial Clearance on Performance of Inverter-driven Rolling Piston Rotary Compressor

  6. 变频压缩机性能仿真建模开关磁阻调速电机系统研究

    Research on the Switched Reluctance Variable Speed Machine System

  7. 电子膨胀阀对变频压缩机排气温度控制的实验研究

    Experimental study on inverter compressor 's exhaust temperature control by electronic expansion valve

  8. 直流变频压缩机驱动器的功率因数校正

    Power Factor Correction of the DC-inverter Compressor Driver

  9. 环境室采用变频压缩机进行负荷调节。

    The scroll compressor with frequency conversion shall be adopted in the adjustment of the load .

  10. 高压换热器涡旋变频压缩机

    High pressure heat exchanger

  11. 通过仿真计算对一拖二系统随变频压缩机转速、电子膨胀阀开度以及回风风机转速改变的动态特性进行研究分析;为系统的实时控制打下基础。

    The dynamic response to the step change of inverter-aided compressor speed , opening of the EEV and air fan speed is studied .

  12. 因此,将烦躁度作为变频压缩机声品质评价的综合性能指标,能够比A声级更好地反映压缩机在不同工况下的噪声对人的实际影响。

    The psychoacoustics annoyance is reasonable to serve as a comprehensive index of sound quality evaluation for reflecting the real influence of noise on a person .

  13. 论文详细论述了控制系统的方案设计、通讯协议、控制算法、电气结构处理,压缩机驱动及保护警告处理等,并且重点对三位一体防冻结技术和直流变频压缩机驱动控制技术进行了深入的研究。

    This paper discusses the control system design , communication protocol , control algorithm , electrical structural processing , water application technology , compressors drive and protecting warning processing .

  14. 通过对现阶段国内外便携式制冷技术的研究,本文主要探讨了蒸汽压缩式制冷技术应用于便携式制冷领域的可能性,由此提出采用三相变频压缩机的制冷方案。

    It is discussed in this paper that the possibility of vapor compression refrigeration technology applied in the area of portable refrigeration , and a refrigeration scheme is presented which is based on a three phase variable frequency and adjustable speed miniature compressor .

  15. 其特征在于系统采用了变频压缩机和电子膨胀阀设备,且可实现多变工况时系统宏观性能参数的测量。其次,基于转子式压缩机结构特征,提出了双级压缩系统运行模式划分方法。

    The plant uses inverter compressor and electric expansion valves , and macroscopic parameters can be measured under variable working conditions . Secondly , based on the structure of the rotary compressors , classification method of the running mode for the studied system is given .

  16. 尽管采用变频压缩机可以进行一定范围的系统制热量调节,但仍不能克服因吸气压力过低所带来的压缩比太高、制热量下降等诸多的问题。

    Though the adoption of the inverter compressor makes it possible to regulate the heating capacity of the heat pump to some extent , it still can not solve those problems due to ultra low suction pressure , such as high compression ratio and the decrease of heating capacity .

  17. 结合双螺杆变频调速压缩机在BEPCⅡ低温系统上的应用,研究压缩机吸气压力和排气压力控制方法。

    The application of double screw frequency-controlled compressor in the cryogenic system of BEPC II is introduced , emphasizing on the methods for controlling suction and exhaust pressure of compressor .

  18. 直流变频涡旋压缩机技术及系统回油方式

    Technology of DC frequency conversion scroll compressor & oil balance

  19. 变频制压缩机吸油管成形分析与模具设计

    Forming Analysis and Die Design for the Inverter System Compressor Oil Pipe

  20. 变频空调压缩机矢量控制系统的研究

    Research on Vector Control System of Inverter Air-Conditioner Compressor

  21. 变频涡旋压缩机测试系统的研究

    Research on Inverter Scroll Compressor Test System

  22. 一种减小变频空调压缩机低速范围内转速脉动的方法

    A New Method to Reduce the Periodic Speed Ripples of Air-Conditioners in Low Speed Range

  23. 通过实例说明了这些规律在变频涡旋压缩机设计中的作用。

    Influence of the Geometric Parameters of the Molded Lines of Scroll Compressors on Their Friction Loss Power ;

  24. 对变频空调压缩机驱动技术的开发,成为各个控制器厂家研究的热点。

    The development of inverter air conditioner compressor-driven technology , become the research focus of each controller manufacturers .

  25. 伯恩斯坦模回旋速调管高次回旋波的研究直流变频涡旋压缩机技术及系统回油方式

    Investigation of high cyclotron harmonics in Bernstein mode gyroklystron technology of DC frequency conversion scroll compressor & oil balance

  26. 开发变频涡旋压缩机的测试与数据采集/分析系统。

    According to the inherent characteristic of inverter scroll compressor , its test and data gathering / analysis system is developed .

  27. 半开式离心压缩机叶轮叶片单向流固耦合分析直流变频涡旋压缩机技术及系统回油方式

    One way Fluid Solid Interaction of Unshrouded Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Blade TECHNOLOGY OF DC FREQUENCY CONVERSION SCROLL COMPRESSOR & OIL BALANCE

  28. 通过对变频涡旋压缩机和数码涡旋压缩机从工作原理上进行分析,指出了各自适合的应用范围;

    By analyzing the operating principles of frequency inversion scroll compressor and digital scroll compressor , their proper applied ranges were pointed .

  29. 三相变频微型压缩机及便携式冷藏箱设计冰箱门体发泡机液压升降台的新型结构

    Design of Three Phase Variable Frequency Miniature Compressor and Portable Refrigerator ; New Construction of Hydraulic Lift Stage on a Refrigerator Door Foaming Machine

  30. 目前变频空调压缩机大多采用感应电动机驱动,而感应电动机效率低,变频控制器比较复杂。

    Presently , induction motor is mostly used for frequency-change air conditioner compressor , but it has such drawbacks as low efficiency and complicated controller .