
  1. 智利人用砖混结构建筑房屋已经有几十年了。

    Chileans have been building with confined masonry for decades .

  2. 浅谈砖混结构建筑的抗震加固

    Earthquake prevention for construction of brick mixing structure

  3. 湿陷性黄土对砖混结构建筑的影响与预防

    The Prevention and the Influence of the Sinking of Soaked Loess on the Brick-and-Concrete Buildings

  4. 分析砖混结构建筑常见的混凝土裂缝成因,提供裂缝控制的方法。

    The article analyses the cause of concrete crack of brick concrete building , and presents the methods to control crack .

  5. 外国驻华使馆建筑面积不大,一般不超过五千平方米,最多四层,多为二、三层砖混结构建筑。

    The area of embassy is less than 5000 square meter , at most 4 floor , mostly 2 or 3 floor building .

  6. 本文对旧有底框砖混结构建筑,分别采用三种加固方案,分析三种加固方案对结构的影响,根据分析结果为底框砖混结构加固提出建议。

    According to the results of analysis , this paper proposes suggestions of engineering practice . ( 5 ) The responses of old brick masonry building with frame structure at lower stories were respectively analyzed by three reinforced scheme .

  7. 砖混结构房屋建筑裂缝原因分析及防治措施

    The Brick Mixed the Structure House Construction Crack Reason Analysis and Prevention Measure

  8. 在现有结构体系基础上,提出一种能替代传统砖混结构的建筑体系&玻化微珠保温板免拆墙模复合剪力墙体系。

    This kind of wall formwork can integrate composite shear wall system with inner concrete without being removed after concrete construction .

  9. 通过对两栋砖混结构历史风貌建筑进行时程分析,发现该建筑的最大应力出现在结构的底层门窗洞口附近,最大层间位移出现在结构的顶层。

    Through the time-history analysis of two masonry-concrete historic buildings , some conclusions can be drawn : the maximum stress of the wall appears near the doors and windows in the bottom of the building ; the maximum inter story displacement appears in the top of the structure .