
zhuān shí
  • masonry;bricks and stones
  1. 公路砖石及混凝土桥涵设计规范

    Code for design of masonry and concrete highway bridges and culverts

  2. 砖石古塔抗震鉴定方法的研究与应用

    Research and application of seismic appraisal method for ancient masonry pagodas

  3. 碎砖石可以用来铺路基和庭院地基。

    Brick rubble is useful as the base for paths and patios .

  4. 波士顿传统而单调的砖石建筑并没有迅速被许多美国城市地区流行的现代玻璃大厦所取代。

    Boston 's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas .

  5. 走出位于东京市千代田区的东京站(TokyoStation),我转回身去,抬头望向它那壮观的砖石外墙。

    I walked out of Tokyo Station , the big commuter hub in the city 's Chiyoda district , and turned to look up at its gorgeous brick facade .

  6. 1973年因家基本建设委员会颁布了现行的砖石结构设计规范(GBJ3-73)。

    By constant endeavor the current Design Code for Brick Masonry Structures GBJ3-73 was promulgated in1973 by the National Council of Capital Construction .

  7. 英格兰的房屋大都用砖石构制。

    Houses in England are mostly built of brick or stone .

  8. 如果想活得长久,千万别碰砖石!

    If You want long life , never touch the diamond !

  9. 在绿宝石的两边各镶着砖石。

    On each side of the emerald there 's a diamond .

  10. 砖石灰浆试验方法带基质的单层初涂沙浆可混合性的测定

    BS EN1015-21-2002 Methods of test for mortAr for mAsonry-DeterminAtion of the

  11. 一切砖石都是用来建造自由大厦的。

    All bricks are used to build a tower of freedom .

  12. 基础隔离砖石结构的减震研究

    A study of aseismic method on base isolation masonry structures

  13. 你甚至能看到砖石上的沟沟壑壑。

    You can even see the grooves in the brickwork .

  14. 砖石结构设计中若干问题的商榷

    Discussions on Some Problems in the Design of Masonry Structures

  15. 房屋附近用砖石等铺平的供用户活动的场地。部分已平整的地盘已开始建设房屋。

    Building development has also begun on some of the formed sites .

  16. 基于模糊综合评判理论的砖石古塔可靠性评价

    Reliability Appraisal on Ancient Stone Pagodas Based on Fuzzy Composite Appraisal Theory

  17. 旧楼房的砖石结构开始崩落。

    The masonry of the old building began to crumble .

  18. 古代西方木结构在居住建筑上一直有着广泛的应用,与砖石结构建筑并行发展。

    In ancient western countries wood structures are widely used in dwelling houses .

  19. 铺设核心、机械和卫生间部分的砖石

    Lay masonry at core , mechanical , and toilets

  20. 基础材料用于支撑结构的材料或砖石建筑,例如墙

    Material or masonry used to support a structure , such as a wall

  21. 传统民居砖石装饰构件的研究

    The study of decorative component of brick and stone on traditional folk residence

  22. 陶艺砖石在现代建筑与环境艺术中的审美及应用

    Application and aesthetic standards of ceramic tiles in modern architecture and Environmental Arts

  23. 我真痛恨我花了15000元在你的砖石项链上。

    I really hate that I spent $ 15000 on your diamond necklace .

  24. 砖石烟囱爆破拆除的设计施工

    Design and Construction of Dismantling Brick Chimney by Blast

  25. 砖石工用可迭挂式脚手架一个和石头或砖头打交道的工匠。

    A craftsman who works with stone or brick .

  26. 砖石用灰浆砌起来。磷石膏-粉煤灰-石灰-水泥胶凝体系性能研究

    Study on property of cementitious binder consisting of phosphogypsum-flyash-lime-cement

  27. 一种表层,如砖石土程,用于支撑堤岸。

    A facing , as of masonry , used to support an embankment .

  28. 皇史宬全为砖石结构,面积达2000余平方米。

    Wong Shi Cheng all brick structures , an area of2000 square meters .

  29. 它有拱形的窗户和装饰华丽的砖石建筑。

    It had arched windows and ornate masonry .

  30. 砖石用灰浆砌起来。

    Bricks and stones are bedded in motar .