
  1. 对多层H型钢钢结构住宅的经济性能进行分析,并与钢筋混凝土结构住宅和砖混结构住宅进行比较,指出影响多层H型钢钢结构住宅造价的主要因素以及降低成本的途径。

    In this article , authors analyze economic performances of multi-floors H-shape-steel steel structure residences , compare with those of reinforcement concrete structure residences and brick structure residences , and state main factors influencing the cost of multi-floors H-shape-steel steel structure residences and cost-reducing methods .

  2. 砖混结构住宅改造装修应注意的有关问题

    Problems Relative to Reconstruction and Decoration of Masonry Structured Dwelling Houses

  3. 砖混结构住宅楼裂缝鉴定分析

    Appraisal and analysis on cracks of the building with masonry-concrete structure

  4. 砖混结构住宅外墙抹灰质量控制

    Plastering quality control of external wall in brick masonry building

  5. 砖混结构住宅工程混凝土裂缝成因及其控制

    Cause of Concrete Crack and Its Control in Brick Concrete Residence Project

  6. 砖混结构住宅工程质量控制的几点措施

    Measures of controlling the quality of the brick - concrete residential project

  7. 墙体较少的砖混结构住宅楼抗震设计

    Seismic design of masonry structures residence with few wall bodies

  8. 砖混结构住宅裂缝的分析及预防

    Analysis on cracks of brick - mixing structure house and its prevention

  9. 地板供暖对砖混结构住宅土建造价的影响

    Effects of floor heating on the civil cost of brick-and-concrete composite residence

  10. 四层砖混结构住宅楼的控制爆破拆除

    Demolition of a four-storey brick-concrete residential building by controlled blasting

  11. 由温度变化引起的砖混结构住宅楼裂缝分析及修补

    Reasons and Remedy Plan of Brick Masonry Building Cracks

  12. 某六层砖混结构住宅楼裂缝分析

    Crack analysis of one six-floor masonry structure living building

  13. 某砖混结构住宅楼裂缝的检测与分析

    Inspection and Analysis of Cracks in a Brick and Concrete Mixed Structure Building

  14. 多层砖混结构住宅应重视构造柱的工程质量

    The discussion on engineering quality of structure column of multi - storey masonry structure

  15. 砖混结构住宅中钢筋混凝土构造柱的设置是非常重要的。

    The setting of the reinforcement concrete structure column of masonry structure is rather important .

  16. 某砖混结构住宅楼局部拆除加固技术研究

    Research on Technologies of Part Demolition and Reinforcement in a Building of Brick-and-concrete Composite Construction

  17. 普通砖混结构住宅楼屋顶温度裂缝的防治

    Ordinary girl Prevention and treatment measures of the temperature cracks in the roof of masonry-concrete buildings

  18. 7层砖混结构住宅粉喷桩复合地基纠偏等8个岩土工程实例。

    The correcting deviation of composite foundation of lime gun piles in residence with seven layer brick structure .

  19. 某砖砌体办公楼的抗震加固改造设计浅谈多层砖混结构住宅的抗震加固改造工作

    Design on Seismic Strengthening of an Office Building Discussion on the Reconstruction of Multi-storey Brick Concrete Structure Building

  20. 砖混结构住宅楼条形基础改筏板基础的启示住宅建筑现浇钢筋混凝土楼板裂缝成因及防治

    On reforming strip foundation into raft foundation in brick-concrete structure residential building Reasons for cracks in RC floor of residence and prevention measures

  21. 通过对某砖混结构住宅楼开裂损坏的检测,计算分析了导致该住宅楼开裂的原因,提出了加固处理方法。

    Based on the cracking inspection of a brick and concrete mixed structure building , the cracking reasons are analysed and strengthening method is presented .

  22. 本文分析了砖混结构住宅现浇板裂缝产生的原因及裂缝类型,并提出了相应的设计与施工方面的控制措施。

    This paper analyses the cause and the kinds of cast-in-situ floor slab cracks for brick-and-concrete dwellings . Then it brings forward corresponding control measures of the design and construction .

  23. 研究了砖混结构住宅墙体渗漏的成因,结合施工实践,为预防和治理墙体渗漏提出了相应的技术措施。

    Causes of seepage in the wall of cement brick structure in the civil residence are discussed and technical measures to prevent against the seepage accordingly provided based on the experience in the actual construction work .

  24. 砖混结构是住宅主要结构类型。

    Brick-concrete structure is the main structure form .

  25. 砖混结构多层住宅温度裂缝的产生与控制

    Formation and Control of Temperature Crack in Brick - mixed Multi - storeyed Residence Dwelling

  26. 带混凝土筒大开间砖混结构灵活住宅体系的特点是,每个单元有一个钢筋混凝土楼梯筒,分户横墙与外纵墙均采用组合砖墙砌体。

    The unique feature of the large bay flexible residential building is that : every unit itself consists of a reinforced concrete tube-stairway core body-with its repective composite wall with openings .

  27. 随着国家房改政策的顺利实施,砖混结构的多层住宅大面积投入使用,一系列质量问题也相应出现,比如现浇板裂缝。

    With the smooth implementation of the national housing reform policy , the multi floors house of the brick and concrete structure has put into operation in a large scale , and in a series of quality problems appear correspondingly too , such as the cast-in-place board crack .

  28. 管线暗埋对砖混结构的影响及施工对策砖混结构住宅楼半埋式地下室的设计模式