
  • 网络Natural building
  1. 自然建筑需要符合可持续发展各因素的要求,诣在为人类创造更健康有益的居住环境。

    Natural buildings need to comply with the requirements of sustainable development factors , in order to create a more healthy living environment for human .

  2. 不同城市自然通风建筑热舒适状况研究

    Study on thermal comfort of neutral ventilated buildings in different city

  3. 融入自然的建筑&苏州水族馆方案设计

    Building Integrating into the Nature & Scheme Design of Suzhou Aquarium

  4. 人与自然、建筑从来就是不可分的。

    Human beings , nature and architecture are always inseparable .

  5. 自然通风建筑室内热状况预测模型

    An Indoor Thermal Characteristics Prediction Model for the Use of Naturally Ventilated Building

  6. 自然·建筑与设计

    Nature - Architecture and Design

  7. 此时此刻,人、自然、建筑空间在进行着无言的对话。

    At this very moment , people , nature , architectural space are carrying out a wordless dialogue .

  8. 这座百年来绝无仅有的自然与建筑完美结合的城市成为德国城市景观最具魅力的城市。

    For hundreds of years , Dresden has been the most charming city in Germany for her perfect integration of nature and buildings .

  9. 我们认为建筑学,作为人类文明的结晶,是对人类,自然和建筑文化关系的哲学思辩。

    A & j architects believes that architecture is the philosophical thinking of the relationship between human being , nature and the built environment .

  10. 文章中对人与自然、建筑空间与自然环境相互协调论述了个人观点。

    The article in the harmony between man and nature , Habitat construction coordination between space and the natural environment on a personal perspective .

  11. 岭南庭园将观赏与休闲融为一体,讲求人与自然、建筑与景观、生活与生态之间的相互和谐。

    Lingnan garden combines enjoying with leisure as a whole , paying more attention to the mutual harmony between human and nature , building and landscape , life and ecology .

  12. 传统庭园与现代建筑的融合已经成为一种设计趋势,它将人、自然和建筑完美的结合在一起,并继承和发扬了中国的传统文化和园林艺术。

    The integration of traditional garden and modern building has been a design trend , which combines people , nature and architecture perfectly , and carries on traditional Chinese culture and garden art .

  13. 时不时要面对残酷的现实,事故、伤残甚至死亡,时时提醒我们,我们正在进行着一场对抗自然的建筑之战

    Even to the occasional grim reality of an accident or a maimed body , even death , remind us that we are fighting a war of construction against the forces of nature .

  14. 为我国夏热冬冷地区提高建筑的主动适应性,实现建筑的可持续发展的,营造舒适、健康、自然的建筑环境,同时满足建筑的艺术审美,寻求行之有效的解决方法。

    And find an available solution which can improve the initiative adaptability and provide the design that satisfy the requirement from both sustainable-development and architecture aesthetics for the cold-winter-warm-summer area of China , which also make a comfortable , healthy and natural building environment .

  15. 本文以威海99名邸连排别墅方案的设计构思,探讨了建筑与自然,建筑与建筑,人与建筑的和谐思想在建筑设计中的表达。

    Based on the project design 's analysis of 99 famous house , one residential district of townhouse in Weihai , the paper discusses how to express the harmony idea of architect and nature , architect and architect , man and architect in the processing of designing .

  16. 随着现代人类社会的不断发展进步,全球范围内能源和环境危机日益加剧,迫使人们重新审视人与自然、建筑与自然环境的关系,可持续发展理念应运而生。

    With the continuous development of modern human society , in the gobal scale the energy and the environment crisis growing serious , forcing people to re-examine the relation between people and the nature 、 the building and the nature , concept of sustainable development came into being .

  17. 它体现了自然美、建筑美和绘画美。

    It embodies the beauties of nature , architecture and painting .

  18. 自然元素在建筑设计中的创意与表达&石材

    Creativity and Expression of Natural Elements in Architecture & Stone

  19. 利用自然通风减少建筑能耗的探讨

    Use The Natural Resources To Reduce The Architectural Energy Consumption

  20. 自然形态在建筑设计中的转换与应用

    The Conversion and Use of Natural Configuration in Architectural Design

  21. 自然空间在建筑设计中的应用方式及作用

    The natural space utilization form and effect in building design

  22. 一种自然通风办公建筑主动式立面的环境评价

    Environmental Evaluation of an Active Facade in a Naturally Ventilated Office Building

  23. 园林集自然美、建筑美和绘画美于一体。

    The gardens bring together the beauties of nature , architecture and painting .

  24. 广州市自然通风类建筑围护结构内表面温度的计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis on inner surface temperature of envelope of natural ventilated buildings in Guangzhou

  25. 现代骨、传统魂、自然衣&建筑与室内创作探索小记

    Contemporary skelecton , traditional soul and natural inclosure exploring the creation of the architecture and interior

  26. 结合自然的城市建筑设计

    Urban Building Design with Nature

  27. 自然与生态建筑

    Nature and Ecological Architecture

  28. 自然光是建筑空间的一大构成要素,是世界万物表现自身的先决条件,是内部空间环境中不可缺少的感觉因素.本文探讨了自然光在空间中的导向性;

    Natural lighting is an essential element in architectural space and an indispensable factor in constructing interior environments .

  29. 它对人们室外舒适度、人身安全、自然通风、建筑能源消耗等方面具有深刻的影响。

    The wind environment has profound effect on people outside comfort , safety , natural ventilation and building energy consumption .

  30. 本文述叙了城市和自然、城市建筑的技术性及城市建筑的人文性。

    The relation of city and nature , the technology and humanity of city buildings are introduced in this paper .