
  • 网络Automatic tracking system;auto-tracking system;PATS
  1. 采用自动跟踪系统对光伏电站电价的影响

    Impact of Using Auto-tracking System on Electricity Tariff for PV Station

  2. 激光切割焦点位置自动跟踪系统的控制精度直接影响着激光切割加工的质量。

    The control accuracy of laser focus auto-tracking system determines cutting quality of laser processing machine .

  3. 基于PLC的太阳能电池板自动跟踪系统的研究

    Research of solar panels automatic tracking system based on PLC

  4. 基于DSP的聚光光伏发电自动跟踪系统的设计

    Design of Automatic Tracking Concentrating Photovoltaic System Based on DSP

  5. 基于DSP的太阳光线自动跟踪系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation of solar ray automatic tracing system based on DSP

  6. 基于模糊推理的CO2焊自动跟踪系统研究

    Study on the Weld Tracking System for CO_2 Welding Process Based on Fuzzy Inference

  7. 基于CCD图像处理的CO2焊自动跟踪系统设计

    Design of Automatic Tracking System Based on CCD Image Processing in CO_2 Welding

  8. 单片机控制的TIG焊缝自动跟踪系统

    Auto Weld Seam Tracking System of TIG with Sigle chip Microcomputer

  9. V型坡口及角焊缝的电弧传感器自动跟踪系统

    Study on an Automatic Seam-Tracking System With Arc Sensor for MIG / MAG Welding of V - Groove Butt Joint & Horizontal Fillet Joint

  10. 基于NiosⅡ软核的实时红外图像自动跟踪系统设计

    Real-Time Infrared Image Automatic Track System Based on Nios ⅱ

  11. 主要介绍了GPS技术的最新发展、应用及原理,结合成熟的GPS技术,设计了一套对飞行目标的位置自动跟踪系统。

    The latest development , application and principle of GPS technology are introduced . Based on mature GPS technology , an automatic flying target tracking system has been designed .

  12. TDRSS天线指向自动跟踪系统的计算机仿真

    Computer Simulation of Antenna Pointing Autotracking System of TDRSS

  13. 为避免在窄间隙U形坡口两侧壁出现爬弧现象,设计了焊缝横向运动轨迹计算机控制自动跟踪系统;

    Autonomously tracing system controlled by computer on transversely moving track has been designed in order to avoid the climbing arc phenomena on two side walls of narrow gap U groove .

  14. 针对直缝焊管CO2预焊,研制了以激光为主动光源的视觉传感焊缝自动跟踪系统。

    Aiming at the CO2 pre-welding of the Longitudinal Welded pipe , taking the laser as the initiative light source , a visual sensing for automatic weld tracking system is developed .

  15. CBERS遥感卫星地面接收系统为X/S双波段自动跟踪系统。

    CBERS remote sensing satellite ground receiving system is X / S two band autotracking system .

  16. 基于ADSP的坦克目标自动跟踪系统设计

    Design of the Target Auto-tracking System based on Double Digital Signal Processor ADSP

  17. AGV视频集成系统采用了AGV路径信息采集组件和网络视频接口组件,实现了网络视频监控技术在AGV自动跟踪系统中的应用。

    AGV path information collecting component and network video interface component were used in AGV video integrated system to realize network video monitoring in AGV automatic tracking system .

  18. Laser-PSD视觉焊缝自动跟踪系统的研究

    Study on the Laser-PSD Vision Seam Tracking System

  19. 第四,对适合于本STPV系统的自动跟踪系统进行了机械传动机构的设计与加工,在综合考虑各种负载的情况下对驱动步进电机进行了选型与计算。

    Fourthly , the mechanical transmission machine of sun tracking system is designed and manufactured . And the load of step motor is calculated .

  20. 介绍了外焊缝自动跟踪系统的组成及工作原理,简述了传动部分GTR-PWM调速系统,给出了系统的硬件电路。

    The constitute and principle of the outer weld automatic tracking system are introduced . The velocity regulating system , GTR - PWM , of the driving system and its hardware circuit are introduced briefly .

  21. 论文设计并研制了一套光电传感器式焊缝自动跟踪系统,该系统由光电传感器、控制系统和执行机构等组成,并根据系统的要求开发了基于MSC-51单片机的跟踪系统软件。

    In this paper , a seam tracking system based on photoelectric sensor which consisted of a photoelectric sensor , a sub-system of control and executive machine is studied . And a set of seam tracking software is developed using assembly language for MSC-51 microcomputer .

  22. 基于双模控制的焊接机器人焊缝自动跟踪系统

    Automatic Seam Tracking System of Welding Robot Based on Double-mode Control

  23. 埋弧焊多道焊自动跟踪系统的研究

    Research on Multiple Weld Automatic Tracing System of Submerged Arc Weld

  24. 主从机械手遥控操作摄像机自动跟踪系统

    Cameral Automatic Tracking System for Remote Operation of Master Slave Manipulator

  25. 微机控制窄间隙熔化极脉冲氩弧焊焊缝自动跟踪系统

    Microcomputer weld joint tracking control in narrow gap with pc-mig welding

  26. 铣边机自动跟踪系统的研制与应用

    Manufacture and Application of Automatic Tracking System for Milling Edges Machine

  27. 具有模式识别功能的焊接自动跟踪系统

    Development on welding automatic seam tracking system with pattern recognition function

  28. 基于视觉传感的药芯焊丝水下焊接焊缝自动跟踪系统

    A Vision-Based Automatic Seam Tracking System for Underwater Flux-Cored Arc Welding

  29. 盐类溶解动力学多参数自动跟踪系统

    A multi-parameter automatic following system for the salt dissolution kinetics

  30. 基于单片机的图像传输自动跟踪系统

    The Automatic Tracking System of Image Transmission Based on SCC