
zì chā
  • autodyne
  1. 浅析用GPS校正磁罗经自差

    A probe of how to correct magnetic compass autodyne by GPS

  2. CO2激光自差信号的功率谱研究

    Power spectrum of the autodyne signal of CO_2 laser

  3. 大气湍流引起CO2激光自差通信系统相位起伏的研究

    Investigation of phase fluctuations by atmospheric turbulence for CO_2 laser homodyne communication system

  4. 基于神经网络的虚拟基准站自差分GPS定位的研究

    Study of self-difference GPS positioning by fictitious datum station based on artificial neural network

  5. 光自差CO2相干激光雷达光学头设计与测试

    Design and testing of optical head for coherent CO_2 laser radar of autodyne detection

  6. 基于Excel处理自差数据并绘制自差曲线的研究

    Research on Dealing with Remnant Deviation Data and Drawing Remnant Deviation Curve Based on Excel

  7. 毫米波自差频CW系统发射漏波信号对接收灵敏度的影响

    Effect of transmission leakage on the sensitivity of millimeter-wave CW autodyne system

  8. 自差型光电反馈半导体激光器的量子AM和FM噪声谱

    Quantum AM and FM Noise Spectra for Semiconductor Lasers with Self-Heterodyne Type Opto-Electrical Feedback

  9. 为了提高单频GPS单点定位精度,提出一种基于星间求差的GPS自差分方法。

    In order to improve the precision of the single frequency GPS , a method to achieve self-difference based on difference between satellites is presented .

  10. 基于MSP430的磁阻罗盘自差自动校正设计

    Digital Magnetic Compass Autodyne Automatic Elimination Based on MSP430

  11. 提出了一种适合于铁路和公路固定线路的虚拟基准站自差分GPS定位的方法;

    This paper presents a method of self difference GPS positioning by fictitious datum station , which is suited to settled line such as railway and highway .

  12. 本文从LC振荡器的角度,阐明了多普勒无线电引信自差收发机的基本原理。

    Principles of the operation of the autodyne used in Doppler radio proximity fuzes are analyzed with the autodyne as an LC oscillator .

  13. 本论文分析了自差式8毫米波段探测器的回波信号和系统噪声特征,仿真并设计了信号处理电路,采用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)算法进行去噪。

    The echo signal and system noise in the 8 millimeter band detector , which works in self-heterodyne mode , are analyzed in this paper , and a signal processing circuit is simulated and designed , and FFT de-noising algorithm is adopted .

  14. 系统射频前端采用自差拍混频的方式,混频后得到的回波差拍信号经预处理和PGA放大后,由数字采集模块对该信号进行同步采集,并将数据存储到计算机。

    RF-front of this system uses a way of self-beat mixing , the echo signals received from the mixer will be gathered synchronously and saved to the computer by a digital acquisition module after the pretreatment and PGA amplification .

  15. 磁罗经是船舶航行的重要仪器之一,在PSC的检查中,如果它存在缺陷或自差表不在有效期内,将会给予17或30的纠正措施。

    The Magnetic Compass is one of the important navigational instruments . In the process of PSC inspection , 17 or 30 remedial measures will be given if the magnetic compass has defect or its deviation table becomes invalid .

  16. 磁罗经自差自动测定和补偿系统的研制

    Design the system for automatically measuring and compensating magnetic compass deviation

  17. 多普勒无线电引信自差机非共振特性研究

    Analysis of the Non-Resonance Oscillation of Autodyne in CW Doppler Fuze

  18. 六个航向校测自差法

    A Method for Adjusting and Observing Deviations on Six Headings

  19. 自差型电反馈半导体激光器的调制特性

    Modulation properties of a self-heterodyne type electrical feedback semiconductor laser

  20. 基于三角函数系的磁罗经自差校正方程

    Deviation equation of magnetic compass based on a set of trigonometric function

  21. 应用自差法测量物体表面粗糙度的研究

    Research on Application of autodyne method in surface roughness measurement

  22. 你没有做无线电测向仪自差曲线表。

    You did not make a DF self-deviation curve table .

  23. 直感式磁罗经一纬度上自差校正的适应范围

    Application scope in latitude of deviation calibration of geomagnetic compass

  24. 自差体制锯齿波调频定距引信的仿真

    Simulation of Saw-tooth Wave Frequency Modulated Radio Ranging Fuze Under Autodyne System

  25. 磁罗经自差的智能测定和校正系统

    Intellectual measurement and correction system for deviations of magnetic compass

  26. 磁罗经自差半自动测校装置

    Semi-au to matic Equipment for Rectifying Deviation of Magnetic Compass

  27. 无线电引信自差机状态灵敏度与谐波分量的关系

    Relationship fo state Sensitivity with Harmonic Components in the Radio Fuse Autodyne

  28. 建设磁罗经综合实验室提高磁罗经自差消测能力

    Building Integrated Lab of Magnetic Compass To Improve the Ability of Eliminating Deviation

  29. 基于模糊控制技术的磁罗经自差自校正系统

    Research on deviation autocorrection system for magnetic compass based on Fuzzy Control Technology

  30. 无航向基准时数字式磁罗盘的自差校正

    Deviation Calibrating for Digital Magnetic Compass without Heading Reference