
  • 网络Chinese Navigation;navigation of china;CNCO
  1. 《中国航海》被评为交通部优秀科技期刊

    The Navigation of China Journal was Chosen as an Excellent Periodical of Ministry of Communications

  2. 《中国航海》第三届编辑委员会成立

    3Rd Editorial Committee of " NAVIGATION OF CHINA " Founded

  3. 中国航海学会第一届常务理事会第二次全体会议

    The Second Plenary Meeting of the First Standing Council of CIN

  4. 中国航海学会二届二次常务理事扩大会议纪要

    Minutes from Second Enlarged Meeting of the Second Standing Committee of CIN

  5. 中国航海博物馆风压分布的模型试验研究

    Wind tunnel test research on model of China Maritime Museum

  6. 21世纪中国航海教育新思维

    New Concepts for China Maritime Education in the New Century

  7. 中国航海博物馆帆体钢结构吊装技术

    Steel structure lifting technique of China Mariners Museum velum body

  8. 中国航海学会1981年年会在杭州举行

    The 1981 Annual General Meeting of CIN held in Hangzhou

  9. 上海中国航海博物馆风帆形钢结构的测量与校正

    Measurement and Correction for Windsail-Shaped Steel Structure of China Navigation Museum in Shanghai

  10. 中国航海学会召开第二届二次理事会

    The Second Meeting of the Second Council of CIN

  11. 中国航海学会会章中国科学院化学研究所

    Institute of Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  12. 上海中国航海博物馆GM-Ⅱ天仁复合风管安装

    Installation of GM - ⅱ Composite Ventilation Pipe for China Navigation Museum in Shanghai

  13. 中国航海学会各委员会领导成员名单

    List of Leading Members of CIN Committees

  14. 中国航海学会救助打捞专业委员会成立

    The CIN Rescue and Salvage Committee Established

  15. 中国航海史研究会已成立

    The Chinese Maritime History Research Institute Established

  16. 中国航海学会危险货物运输专业委员会成立

    The CIN Dangerous Goods Shipment Committee Established

  17. 中国航海学会第二次会员代表大会决议

    Resolution of the 2nd CIN Convention

  18. 中国航海博物馆关节轴承节点承载力试验研究装有轴承的普通轴承座

    Experimental research on load capacity of the bearing joints in Chinese Navigation Museum plain bearing housing with bearings

  19. 交通部部长黄镇东在中国航海学会三届一次理事会上的讲话

    The Speech from Huang Zhendong , the Minister of the Ministry of Communications , at 1st Meeting of Third CIN Council

  20. 上海中国航海博物馆异型双曲面超预应力单层索网玻璃幕墙施工技术

    Construction Technology of Abnormal Hyperboloid Super Prestressed Single Layered Cable Grid for Glass Curtain Wall of China Navigation Museum in Shanghai

  21. 近期建成的中国航海博物馆的双曲索网幕墙运用了双曲的形式,增大了结构的刚度,是一种很好的结构形式。

    Recently Chinese Navigation Museum cable nets curtain wall using hyperbolic cable nets form , increase the structure stiffness , is a very good structure .

  22. 这些年轻美丽的女孩为中国航海事业奉献了青春,她们品尝着各自的苦与乐。

    A group of young , beautiful girls devote their lives to sailing the high seas ; tasting life 's joy and sorrow as a result .

  23. 中国航海商人和外交官的中世纪唐代(公元618-907年)和宋(960-1279)航行经常到印度洋港口访问后,在东南亚。

    Chineseseafaring merchants and diplomats of the medieval Tang Dynasty ( 618 907 ) and Song Dynasty ( 960 1279 ) sailed often into the IndianOcean after visiting ports in South East Asia .

  24. 职工代表大会闭幕后,由企业工会委员会作为职代会的工作机构,负责职工代表大会的日常工作。中国航海学会第一次代表大会暨1979年年会胜利闭幕

    While the conference is in recess , the committee of the trade union of the enterprise will function as its work organ and take care of the day-to-day work of the conference . The lst Congress of CIN and 1979 Annual Meeting took place

  25. 中国古代航海科学与文明之一翼:航路指南史略

    A branch of Chinese ancient navigation science and civilization : a brief history of sailing direction

  26. 本研究的主要目的是优选中国船员航海英语考试模式。

    The main purpose of this study is to seek the preferred mode of the Chinese Crew Maritime English Test .

  27. 展馆通过文字、图画、模型等等手段全面真实地展现了当年历史盛况以及中国古代航海技术伟大成就。

    The grand occasions in this period and remarkable achievements of China 's ancient seafaring technology are exhibited fully and authentically by means of texts , figures and models .

  28. 《郑和航海图》是中国古代航海经验的结晶,它既是郑和等人航海实践的记录,又是宋、元时代牵星航海经验的总结。

    They were both the records of the experiences accumulated by Zheng He and his forerunners in their seafaring activities and the summary of the astronomical navigation during the Song and Yuan dynasties .

  29. 我有一位朋友,来自本地一所具有悠久华族传统的名校,兴奋地告诉我,原来中国明朝航海事业是如此发达。

    A friend of mine , who came from a prestigious school with a strong Chinese tradition here , once told me excitedly that China 's marine industry was already well-developed during the Ming Dynasty .

  30. 中国古代航海文献是航海文化的一面镜子,其内容涵盖各个历史时期航海活动的航区、航海工具、航海科技、航运管理等,涉及大量航海术语。

    As a mirror of navigational culture , ancient Chinese navigational literature covers the navigational areas , tools , science and technology and administration of marine navigation in each historical period , including plenty of navigational terms .