
kuài sù yuán xínɡ fǎ
  • rapid prototyping method
  1. 快速原型法在深圳地铁AFC系统中的应用

    Application of Rapid Prototyping Method to Shenzhen Metro AFC Systems

  2. 介绍了用于支持需求分析阶段的快速原型法的概念、特点和开发模式,并结合函授教学软件开发给出了一个函授教学软件的原型。

    The thesis introduces the concepts , characters and the developing-patterns of rapid prototyping method in the period of the supporting stage for requirement and analysis . Combined with correspondence course software development , it presents the prototype of the software of correspondence course .

  3. 快速原型法(RapidPrototyping)是近年来提出的一种以计算机为基础的系统开发方法。

    Rapid Prototyping ( rapid prototyping ) in recent years by a computer-based system development methods .

  4. 快速原型法和可重用技术结合用于MIS开发

    Using Rapid - prototyping and Reuse - technology in MIS

  5. 利用快速原型法开发MIS软件

    The MIs Software Development Using the Quick Prototype Method

  6. 快速原型法在MIS开发中的应用研究

    The research on prototyping method for developing of MIS

  7. 本文介绍MIS软件的开发工具DPE,DPE用快速原型法,能较好地辅助MIS系统的开发。

    An MIS software development tool DPE is introduced that uses fast prototyping to facilitate MIS system development .

  8. 图形用户界面(GUI)采用快速原型法生成,具有一些不同于传统软件的特性,使得传统软件测试技术不能直接应用于GUI。

    Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) is created with rapid prototyping , has characteristics that differ it from traditional software , so test techniques for traditional software can 't directly apply to GUI .

  9. 本文采用管理信息系统开发模式中快速原型法的进化性原型法和采用Thin-C/S和B/S混合模式构建基于WEB平台的ERP财务核算管理系统,开发了东北特钢集团信息化项目&DTCIMS中的财务核算管理系统。

    By adopting evolution prototype of the fast prototype method to develop the Web-Based ERP financial sale accounting MIS and mixing Thin-C / S and B / S mode to structure the system , developed the financial sale accounting subsystem of DT_CIMS .

  10. 然后从软件工程角度,探讨经典的生命周期法、快速原型法、DADM法等几种常用的开发模式及其的优缺点,接着介绍了该系统实际采用的复合开发方法。

    The advantages and disadvantages of classical periodic method , rapid prototype method , and DADM are compared through viewpoint of software programming .

  11. 本文采用面向对象技术,在对用户接口管理系统(UIMS)进行分析的基础上,提出了满足典型应用要求的UIMS模型框架,其目的是建立基于快速原型法的UIMS开发与管理模型。

    Based on the analysis of UIMS , this paper applies object-oriented techniques to provide a framework of UIMS model which meets the requirements of the typical applications A developement and management model based on rapid prototyping has been constructed .

  12. 用快速原型法开发多领域专家参与的专家系统

    Expert System with Multiple Domain Experts Developed by Rapid Prototyping Methodology

  13. 在系统的开发过程中采用了生命周期法和快速原型法的混合开发模型。

    In the development , Life Cycle Model and Rapid Prototype haven been used .

  14. 基于快速原型法的设备管理系统实现

    Device Management System Based on Rapid Prototyping

  15. 采用快速原型法进行软件开发设计。

    PROTOTYPE was used to exploit program .

  16. 听起来好像是未来的一个愿景与快速原型法一直存在于工业生产中。

    What sounds like a vision of the future has long been industrial reality with rapid prototyping .

  17. 通过对开发曲面造型系统面临问题的分析,我们将传统的软件开发方法与快速原型法相结合对系统进行分析设计。

    To solve the problems during developing surface modeling system , Combined Rapid Prototype Method with traditional method to develop the system .

  18. 本文将生命周期法和快速原型法折中处理,提出一种新的方法:过程定位法。

    A new method created on the basis of the lifecycle method and fast prototype method , called process location method , is presented .

  19. 本文对传统的软件开发方法如瀑布模型、快速原型法模型进行了评价,并结合一个实际案例,分析了传统软件开发方法的不足。

    This paper evaluates the traditionary software developing methods such as waterfall model and rapid prototyping model , and analyses their shortcomings with a case .

  20. 并结合《县级人事政务系统》的实例,介绍了使用快速原型法和可重用技术开发管理信息系统的过程和经验。

    And with the instance of " Personnel-Government-Affair-System of County Level ", it also introduces the process and experience of MIS development by rapid-prototype and reuse-tecnology .

  21. 将采用快速原型法完成系统的总体设计,再在此基础上使用合适的开发工具完成系统的详细设计。

    Will take a complete system of law and the overall design , based on the use of appropriate development tools to finish the detailed design . 4 .

  22. 论述了传统软件开发的局限性和快速原型法的优越性并利用开发实例,进一步说明快速原型法的优点、过程和使用该方法应注意的问题。

    The thesis expounds the limitation of traditional software development and the superiority of quick prototyping . It also explains the advantage , process and problem attended to for the method by giving some examples .

  23. 方法:采用瀑布模型法(生命周期方法)和快速原型法(面向对象方法),构建系统平台的总体框架结构和功能模块。

    Methods : The waterfall model ( life cycle approach ), and rapid prototyping ( object-oriented method ), analyzed the new demands of teaching and learning in management , the overall framework of the platform build system structure and function modules .

  24. 采用生命周期法和快速原型法相结合的设计方法,在技术结构上采用Browser/Server架构体系,减轻系统负载,加强开放性,方便系统维护升级。

    To reduce the system load , to strengthen the openness , and to maintain system upgrade conveniently , I use life cycle method and rapid prototyping method . For the technical layer , I adopt the system of the Browser / Server structure .

  25. 模型化设计是一种自顶向下的面向FPGA的快速原型验证法,它不仅降低了FPGA设计门槛,而且缩短了开发周期,提高了设计效率。

    Model-based FPGA logic design is a top-down rapid prototyping method , which not only lowers the threshold for FPGA design , but also shortens the development cycle and improves design efficiency .

  26. 激光快速原型成形法

    Laser Forming for Rapid Prototyping

  27. 基于快速原型的转移涂料法制作模具技术

    Metal Dies Manufacturing Based on Rapid Prototyping in Directly Transferred Coating Process