
  • Happy Hour;Happy time;Happy Days;fun time
  1. 快乐时光的节目现在有点叫人感到难为情。

    The Happy Hour is beginning to embarrass me .

  2. 最后一分钟的快乐时光而非旋转课?

    Last-minute happy hour instead of spin class ?

  3. 她珍视那段快乐时光的记忆。

    She treasures her memories of those joyous days .

  4. 在PC上或者与朋友和家人一起在家庭娱乐中心体验各种娱乐方式,让快乐时光在此传递!

    Enjoy it on your PC , or gather friends and family around your home entertainment center , and let the good times roll !

  5. 其中的一封结束了我短暂的快乐时光。

    One of the letters ended my short time of happiness .

  6. 帮爸爸把废品分类是他的快乐时光。

    Classifying garbage for his father is his moment of pleasure .

  7. 我们感激以前神赐的快乐时光。

    We are grateful for the time we have been given .

  8. 我们可以在海滩上散步度过几小时快乐时光。

    We can spend some happy hours walking on the beach .

  9. 用语言来描述和她在一起的快乐时光。

    Describe the joy you feel just to be with her .

  10. 我会永远记得那些快乐时光。

    I believe I will remember those happy days , forever .

  11. 另一方面,你们能享受在一起的快乐时光。

    On another level , you enjoy having good times together .

  12. 听上去你们度过了不少快乐时光。

    It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun .

  13. 我们的时代更加自由了,但我们拥有的快乐时光却越来越少;

    These are times with more liberty , but less joy ;

  14. 他怀念和恋人在一起的快乐时光。

    He cherished his memory of the happy time with her lover .

  15. 只留下一起快乐时光、不灭战魂。

    Leaving only the good times together , fighting spirit is immortal .

  16. 这只是我快乐时光中的一些片段,另外还有很多这样的美好记忆。

    These are but a few of happy times I have had .

  17. 不要问还记不记得曾经的快乐时光?

    Third , do not ask who also remember the happy times ?

  18. 但是你没有明白快乐时光总是要结束的。

    But you cannot understand that pleasures always come to an end .

  19. 现在的我,还是会想起和你曾经的快乐时光。

    Now , I still remember the happy time and you have .

  20. 有时我会想起,和你在一起的快乐时光。

    Sometimes I think , and you had a wonderful time together .

  21. 萨拉德里加斯记得他们在迈阿密小屋子里度过的快乐时光。

    Saladrigas remembers happy times in their little Miami house .

  22. 我们仍然拥有发自内心的快乐时光。

    We still have fun . , spontaneous good times .

  23. 我经常回忆以前的快乐时光。

    I often look back upon the happy old days .

  24. 其实它的确带给我们一段很长的快乐时光

    Actually , it did make us happy for a long time .

  25. 他们住在这里的快乐时光。

    They spent here being the best of their lives .

  26. 快乐时光的记忆尚在。二十世纪音乐城记之二维也纳音乐城记

    Memories of happy days remain with us . Music Life in Vienna

  27. 记住我们三个度过的快乐时光。

    Remember all the good times that we three shared .

  28. 这是我们所有人的快乐时光。

    It 's a joyous moment for all of us .

  29. 你很怀旧。特别珍惜跟朋友们在一起的快乐时光。

    Nothing beats the good times that you and your friends have shared .

  30. 我难以忘记这人世间罕有的快乐时光。

    I must not forget mortals'moments of real gladness that come so rarely .