
  • 网络HAPPY RUNNING;Happy Run;Fun Run
  1. 此外,在一年一度的防僵尸安全屋设计比赛中,建筑师们为设计出最棒的防食尸鬼的住宅一争高下,僵尸“快乐奔跑”比赛如今也已成为了整个北美的常规体育活动。

    The annual Zombie Safe House competition challenges architects to design the best ghoul-proof home , and zombie ' fun runs ' are now regular events across North America .

  2. 积雪融化了,汩汩的细流渗透着,在凹地和低处汇成了清亮的雪水溪,朝着大河快乐地奔跑。

    The drifts melted , and trickles of water began to permeate the soil , gathering in depressions to form bright little streams which ran happily towards the great river .