
  1. 请君一试,何如?

    How about you having a try ?

  2. Annandale的营销口号既言简意赅又过目不忘:“请君入住桃花源”。

    Annandale 's marketing slogan is as simple as it is compelling : " Stay where the world can 't find you . "

  3. 为了您的健康,请君常购中国绿茶。

    Always Buy Chinese green tea for the sake of your health .

  4. 与君歌一曲,请君为我侧耳听。

    Let me sing you a song ! Let your ears

  5. 请君常购中国绿茶。

    Always buy Chinese green teas .

  6. 清热润喉,请君多喝绿茶。

    Please drink more green tea so as to remove internal heat and soothe your throat .

  7. 请君为我倾耳听。

    Please listen to me carefully .

  8. 数量有限,请君速订。

    Please order now as our stock is limited . The number of such sensations is limited .

  9. 旅游旺季,机票、火车票紧俏,请君速订。

    During this tourist season airplane and train tickets are in great demand . Please Book without delay .

  10. 若想拥有一个充满舒适与温馨的世界,请君光临本床上用品商店。

    If you wish to have a warm and comfortable world , please come to our bed linens store .

  11. 本商场供应多种鲜活商品,请君选购。

    A good variety of fresh and live goods in our emporium are waiting for your choice and purchase .

  12. 本公司附设有一家规格齐全的装饰材料商店,请君光临。

    The decorating materials shop of our company offers a complete range of specifications . Your presence is cordially requested .

  13. 百年明日能几何,请君听我明日歌。

    How many tomorrows are in your lifetime , do you know ? Please listen to me sing the Song of Tomorrow .

  14. 你想作远距离游泳吗?请君速购这种最贴切,最顺滑,最安全,最舒适的救生游泳装。

    Would you like to swim a long distance ? Please Buy this life vest , which is the closest , smoothest , safest and most comfortaBle one .

  15. 良药甜口同样能治病,不信请君试一试。你的口试情况怎么样?笔试呢?

    Good medicine with sweet taste cures disease as well . You only need a try to convince yourself of it . What 's your oral examination ? And your written ?

  16. 如果你觉得大腹便便只是胖人的专利,那请君三思了——一些体重正常和经常锻炼的人都可能有小肚子,根本没有所谓的“完美”身材。

    If you think that belly fat is just an issue for people who are overweight , think again -- even people who are at a healthy weight and exercise regularly can have it .

  17. 所以大伙请他为十二君举起蜡烛照明,因为他的美貌比月亮更皎洁。

    So the people asked him to hold the candle for Don Twelfth , just by reason that his beautiful was more glaringness than the luna .