
  • 网络happy learning;happy study
  1. 论如何在大学英语教学中贯彻快乐学习理念

    Implanting " Happy Learning " Concept in the Teaching of College English

  2. 久而久之,学习对于学生来说变成了一种负担,好多学生谈到学习和作业就头疼,而快乐学习,学习快乐,对他们来说就是一个梦想。

    So many students are tired of doing their homework . Happy learning and learn happily become a beautiful dream for them .

  3. 永远记住:快乐学习,效果最好。

    Always remember : we learn best in moments of enjoyment .

  4. 失败是一快乐学习吧种选择,但恐惧不是。

    Failure Is an option , but fear is not .

  5. 突出学习渠道优势倡导快乐学习理念

    Extrude the Advantage of Learning Method and Sparkplug the Concept of Happy Study

  6. 快乐学习!快乐分享!快乐生活!

    Join us , enjoy English , enjoy sharing , and enjoy living !

  7. 从快乐学习做起,热爱知识;

    Study to do from the happiness , have a passion for the knowledge ;

  8. 说到底,如果学生们都能快乐学习,我们所有人都能因此而获益。

    At the end of the day , we all benefit from lots of smiling students .

  9. 你能教的就是让他们学会如何快乐学习,如何创造奇迹。

    You teach them to learn the joy , the wonder , the miracle , of learning .

  10. 快乐学习

    Learning should be fun

  11. 在课堂上,我们为学生们提供了快乐学习英语的环境,使我们的孩子在快乐中来听和说英语。

    In the Superkids two class we provide an environment where children can listen to and speak English whilst having fun .

  12. 我的课堂总是生动有趣,我擅长用游戏达到让孩子快乐学习的目的。

    My class is interesting . I usually use games in my teaching so that the kids can learn English happily .

  13. 我会不断的改进自己的教学方法,使我的学生能够健康成长,快乐学习。

    I will continue to improve my teaching methods so that I can make my students grow up healthily and happily .

  14. 本文重点在于发现高中英语词汇教学中存在的问题,找到行之有效的教学策略,使学生在快乐学习中掌握词汇,增加词汇量,从而合理地使用词汇。

    This paper emphasizes on finding problems in teaching English vocabulary of high schools , searching for feasible and effective teaching strategies in order to enable students to master vocabulary happily , to increase their vocabulary .

  15. 在小学体育中进行情感教育,对于促进儿童和谐全面的发展,开发儿童的潜能,塑造完美的人格,完善人的道德品行,培养儿童的创造性,帮助儿童快乐学习等方面都有重要作用。

    The true nature of all-rounded development is personality development . Furthermore , emotional education plays an important role in helping harmonious and all-rounded development of the pupils , building their characters , cultivating their creativity and enabling them to study with fun .

  16. 应树立十大现代学习观:终身学习观,多元学习观,自主学习观,创造学习观,发现学习观,快乐学习观,高效学习观,联系学习观,全面学习观,优化学习观。

    Set up ten modern learning outlooks : lifelong learning outlook , multivariate learning outlook , independent learning outlook , creative learning outlook , discovery learning outlook , happy learning outlook , high efficient learning outlook , relative learning outlooks , comprehensive learning outlook , optimization learning outlook .

  17. 我希望我的学生快乐地学习,也希望自己快乐地工作。

    I hope the students enjoy studying as I enjoy my work .

  18. 您想让孩子快乐地学习英语吗?

    Do you want your child to enjoy English ?

  19. 为孩子打造一个优质。快乐的学习天地。

    Han Sheng provide a high quality and happy learning environment for children .

  20. 其次,给自己找些兴趣,快乐地学习。

    Secondly , find yourself some interests and to be happy in learning .

  21. 我是在享受学习,快乐地学习。

    I enjoy being made fun of . I enjoy making from my mistakes !

  22. 在老师的帮助下我们快乐的学习着。

    With the teachers'help we study happily !

  23. 兴趣产生快乐,学习出类拔萃的孩子都是因为有兴趣。

    Happy learning interest , rise above the common herd children are of interest because .

  24. 虽然只有短短的几天,但夏令营快乐的学习生活令人流连忘返。

    Though only several days getting together in the camp , this happy study life is unforgettable .

  25. 我们努力地超越对方,相互帮助,快乐地学习并取得极大地进步。

    We try to overtake each other , help mutually , study joyfully and make progress happily .

  26. 在惠外这个大家庭里,我们快乐地学习,健康地成长。

    In Huizhou Foreign Language School , this big family , we are learning happily and growing healthily .

  27. 我们要以快乐心情学习并在一起工作-做得与众不同。

    We 're here to have fun , to learn , to work together-and to make a difference .

  28. 在这所美丽的校园里,我快乐地学习生活着。

    I had studies , and lived in this campus , I had devoted my time between studies and play .

  29. 祝愿同学们在新学期健康快乐,学习更上一层楼!

    Wish all the students health , happiness and making a rapid progress in their study in the new semester .

  30. 和大家分享和大家交流让我们一起营造一个快乐的学习语言的环境吧!

    And we share and we share Let us work together to create a happy environment to learn a language bar !