
kuài ɡǎn quē fá
  • anhedonia
  1. 抑郁症是一种精神障碍,以抑郁情绪、快感缺乏和能量减少为重要特征。

    Major depressive disorder is a mental disorder characterized by depressed mood , anhedonia , and reduced energy .

  2. 给药第21天,计算大鼠24h糖水消耗量,以反映大鼠快感缺乏情况。

    The sweet water consumption was calculated at the 21st day of administration to observe the anhedonia condition of rats .

  3. 慢性强迫游泳能够使大鼠的体重增长减慢、快感缺乏、无助感出现、自主活动减少。

    Chronic forced swimming can make weight gain slow , pleasure lack .

  4. 他们或许患有一种被称作特异性音乐快感缺乏症的疾病,这样的人在全球总人口中占3%到5%。

    They may have a condition called specific musical anhedonia , which affects three-to-five percent of the population .

  5. 抑郁分量表7个项目,反映愉快感缺乏、精神迟滞和抑郁。

    And in the depression subscale , there were 7 items reflected lacking of pleasant , mental delay and depression .

  6. 不过,特异性音乐快感缺乏症患者处理声音的皮层区域与伏隔核的连通性却减弱了。

    Specific musical anhedonics , however , did show reduced functional connectivity between cortical regions associated with auditory processing and the nucleus accumbens .

  7. 结论:拟青霉代谢物提取物可改善抑郁大鼠快感缺乏,该作用的发挥可能与调节免疫功能和细胞因子水平有关;

    CONCLUSION : BCPT can improve the anhedonia condition of rats with depression , which may related with the regulation of immunological function and cell factor levels ;

  8. 这一发现或许能为详细研究其他快感缺乏症的神经学机制打下基础,且能从革命性视角帮助我们理解音乐是如何获得奖赏价值的。

    This finding may pave the way for the detailed study of the neural substrates underlying other domain-specific anhedonias and , from an evolutionary perspective , help us to understand how music acquired reward value .

  9. 研究人员分析功能性磁共振成像数据发现,特异性音乐快感缺乏症患者听音乐时,奖赏系统的关键皮层下结构伏隔核的活动较弱。

    Using the fMRI data , the researchers found that while listening to music , specific musical anhedonics presented a reduction in the activity of the nucleus accumbens , a key subcortical structure of the reward network .

  10. 为了理解这种特异性音乐快感缺乏症的根源,研究人员招募了45位健康人士完成了一份测试其对音乐敏感度的问卷,并根据测试结果将他们分成了三组。

    To understand the origins of specific musical anhedonia , researchers recruited 45 healthy participants who completed a questionnaire measuring their level of sensitivity to music and divided them into three groups of sensitivity based on their responses .

  11. 其表现是快感和动机的缺乏。

    It includes anhedonia and a lack of motivation .