
  1. 请联系快递客户服务部细节。

    Please contact FedEx Customer Service Department for exact details .

  2. 从国外拨打联邦快递客户服务电话,须使用收费号码。

    For overseas customers , please dial one of the above toll customer service numbers .

  3. 亚马逊的无人机计划名为“PrimeAir”,在2013年启动,致力于开发能够直接将包裹快递到客户家中的空中交通工具。

    Amazon 's drone programme , known as Prime Air , has been working since 2013 on developing aerial vehicles that can deliver packages directly to customers " houses .

  4. 公司成立后,我方将相关文件快递给客户。客户可以立即以公司的名义进行商务运作。

    After the company have been already registered , we 'll send all the documents to the client , the client can using the name of this company to operate business .

  5. 阿里巴巴称,将在北京、上海、广州三地展开为期三天的“一次性测试”,测试中将使用四轴飞行器把盒装姜茶快递给客户。

    It said the quadcopter drones were deployed in a " one-off test , " to last three days , launched in areas of Beijing , Shanghai , and Guangzhou to whisk boxes of ginger tea to customers .

  6. 在这种情况下,物流快递业的客户信息系统便应运而生。

    In such situation , customer information system of express industry is made out .

  7. 快递员由客户根据其在礼貌程度、递交过程和乐于助人这三方面的表现进行评分。

    Couriers are rated by customers based on politeness , presentation , and helpfulness .

  8. 面对巨大的发展市场和强有力的市场竞争,整合业务流程,实现资源优化配置,提供优质及个性化服务成为物流快递行业赢取客户,赚取利润的主要趋势。

    Facing to huge developing market and cogent market competition , Express Industry should win customers and earning profit by integrating service flow , optimizing resources , providing excellent and individual services .

  9. 如果她不得不在客户家里等待建筑工,或者等待收取快递,大多数客户并不介意她把女儿也带上,一起安静地看点儿童电视节目。

    If she has to wait in a client 's house for a builder to arrive or a parcel to be delivered , she adds , most do not mind if her daughter comes too and settles down in front of some children 's television .

  10. 由于快递企业能够向客户提供快捷、安全、准确、便利、周到的物品递送服务,快递在经济、社会和生活中显示出了越来越重要的作用。

    Express plays a more and more important role in economy , society and life because the express enterprises provide the customers with the cargos-delivery service quickly , safely , accurately , conveniently , considerately .

  11. 今年早些时候,阿里巴巴和联邦快递(FedEx)达成了一项推广合作协议。根据协议,阿里巴巴为联邦快递客户使用其网站提供帮助,联邦快递则向阿里巴巴用户提供折扣。

    Earlier this year , the company struck a promotional partnership with FedEx Corp. , offering FedEx customers help using the site in exchange for FedEx giving Alibaba users a discount .