
  • 网络academic planning;study plan
  1. 退役士兵学员学业规划和职业生涯规划教育探索

    The Educational Exploring on Academic Planning and Career Planning for Demobilized-Soldier Students

  2. 大学生学业规划是在职业生涯规划发展的基础上演变而来的,近年来学者、专家才对此展开相应的研究。

    College Students ' academic planning in the occupation career planning development based on evolved in recent years , scholars , experts for the corresponding research .

  3. 学业规划是顺应学生学业发展的需求而产生的,高职学生进行学业规划具有很强的实践和理论意义。

    The academic program is responsive to the students ' academic development the demand of students in higher vocational colleges , academic planning has strong theoretical and practical significance .

  4. 指导内容包括大学生学习观念、学习策略、学习动机、专业意识、学习情绪、学业规划和科研创新能力提高等七个方面的指导。

    Guidance includes seven aspects : the concept of college students , learning strategies , learning motivation , major awareness , learning emotional , academic planning and innovation of research capacity .

  5. 随着部分高校实行学分制教育模式,如何指导大一学生做好学分制教育条件下的学业规划成为了高等学校教育面临的重要课题。

    With the implementation of study plan in more and more colleges , the question of how to guide them to making study plan under point system condition take into the range of higher education .

  6. 而大学生自身缺乏学业规划意识,自我认知不足,自身的不成熟性导致在行动上难以将学业规划落实,同时学业规划理论的缺失也影响高职学生学业规划的实施。

    College students lack academic planning consciousness , self-awareness , own not mature resulted in action to the academic planning implement , at the same time academic planning theory flaw also influence students ' learning and planning implementation .

  7. 学业规划是职业规划在大学学业方面的体现,对其进行研究大多需要借鉴职业规划理论,结合学业规划的特点完善学业规划体系。

    Career planning is the occupation plan in university academic aspect of the embodiment , undertake study to its mostly needs to draw lessons from occupation planning theory , combined with the characteristics of academic planning perfect academic planning system .

  8. 辅导员指导大学生开展学业生涯规划的探索

    An Exploration of Study Career Plan of University Student under Counselors ' Guidance

  9. 本文就大学生的学业生涯规划与职业生涯规划的结合,首次提出了“大学生四阶段论”。

    " Four-stage theories of university students " also is proposed in this paper for the fist time .

  10. 学生能够综合这些有效的信息,决策自己的学业生涯规划和学习计划,有步骤有目的地实现自己的理想和规划。

    Students can synthesize these effective information , making your own career planning and learning plan , step by step to realize their ideals and planning .

  11. 本文将大学生的学业生涯规划与职业生涯规划相结合,分析了大学生职业生涯规划的三个阶段,并对高校毕业生就业提出一些可实施建议。

    Based on the theory of vocational career planning , this article analyses the three stages of college students ' career planning , and provides some practicable suggestions on how to improve college students ' employment abilities .

  12. 但是,选择一些与学业或职业规划密切相关的社团,这种做法也不能一票否定。

    However , choosing a club related to your studies or career plans is not all negative .

  13. 个性化服务:根据每个学生自身的特点和兴趣,协助学生设计安排未来的学业和职业规划。

    Personal care : Professionally assist students in future college preparation and career design based upon their own interests and focuses .

  14. 请描述你的个人及学术兴趣是怎样促成你的学业目标及职业规划。

    Please describe how your personal or academic interests relate to your intellectual or professional goals .

  15. 大学生要学会自我认知,做好正确的学业和职业生涯规划并科学实践学业和职业生涯规划;转变就业观念,增强自主意识和竞争意识。

    College students should acquire self-cognition ability , make suitable academic and career plans , and implement them scientifically in practice . Students should also change perspectives on employment , enhance sense of initiative and competition .