
  • 网络learn guitar;to learn guitar
  1. 张超真的是一个很好的吉他手,我知道他会为我要学习吉他而激动。

    Zhang Chao is a really good guitar player so I knew he would be excited for me that I 'm going to learn guitar .

  2. 一个完全没有音乐天赋的人能在成人之后学习吉他吗?

    Can someone with no musical talent learn to play guitar as an adult ?

  3. 他自幼学习吉他,12岁起就开始了音乐创作。

    He learned to play guitar at a young age and began to write songs at around 12 .

  4. 当我第一次开始上课的时候并不知道学习吉他的程序和老师的程序。

    I didn 't know about the principles or about guitar teachers when I first started taking lessons .

  5. 辛蒂的音乐天赋是12岁时,当时她学习吉他并创作。

    Cyndi 's talent for music began at the age of12 when she learned to play the guitar and creating lyrics .

  6. 我们可能借用机器教学程序使学习吉他等乐器更为容易吗?

    Will we be able to play any musical instrument such as a guitar easily with a process the machine teaches us ?

  7. 在美国和西欧,大多数年轻人都选择学习吉他,这背后的原因是显而易见的。

    In the United States and Western Europe , guitar is the instrument of choice for most youngsters , and there are obvious reasons for that .

  8. 当时,汉密特正在私下里师从现已成名的乔·赛奇安尼学习吉他课程。2002年,他成为了第一个应选《吉他世界》杂志“名人堂”的人。

    At the time Hammett was taking private guitar lessons from now famous Joe Satriani . In2002 , he became the first inductee into Guitar World magazine 's Hall of Fame .

  9. 我最近看到一篇文章,讲的是一个快四十的男人开始学习弹吉他,原本纯属业余爱好,最后竟成了一名娴熟的吉他演奏家。

    I recently read a piece about a guy in his late 30s who took up learning guitar as a hobby and actually became a proficient player .

  10. 唯一的问题是,你可以通过阅读或者背诵操作指南来学习弹吉他或者开车,但你不能以这种方式学习语言技能。

    The only problem is that language skills cannot be learned in this way , any more than you can learn to play the guitar or drive a car by reading or even memorizing the instruction manuals .

  11. 让您的孩子学习钢琴,吉他和小提琴;

    Give your kids lessons in piano , guitar and violin ;

  12. 我有许多学习朋友一边弹着吉他、哼着小曲,一边学习英语!

    I have lots of friends who learned English while strumming a guitar and humming at the same time !