
pò jì lù
  • break a record;smash a record;shatter a record
  • record-breaking;record-shattering
破记录 [pò jì lù]
  • [break a record] 打破以往记录下来的最好成绩

  • 国奥队第一次在国际比赛中破纪录

  1. 年的进展是破记录的。

    Progress in2006 was record-breaking .

  2. 这些破记录的优化方面的工作意义的重大利益和运行,为客户降低成本。

    These record-breaking features point to major benefits in terms of work optimisation and running cost reduction for customers .

  3. 经历五场屡破记录的比赛,这位美籍台湾球员成为NBA最新最热的明星后卫。

    With five breakout games , the Taiwanese-American has become the NBA 's newest playmaking sensation .

  4. 这只健壮的狗以破记录的时间完成了训练。

    This perfect canine specimen finishes the course in record time .

  5. 破记录的出席率、飞行、跳跃、时间

    A record - breaking attendance , flight , jump , time

  6. 好吧,我来。把这些破记录冲掉。

    He do very well , but fail to break the record .

  7. 我们为1993年的破记录的利润感到骄傲。

    We are proud of our record - breaking profit In 1993 .

  8. 据报道,价值破记录地增长了3倍。

    Eg. A record high increase in value of four times was reported .

  9. 在超级爆炸人里破记录。

    Setting the high score on super bomber man .

  10. 公司债券的销售和杠杆融资(风险)正破记录。

    Sales of corporate bonds and leveraged ( high-risk ) loans are breaking records .

  11. 不过,昨天破记录的豪雨也显现出香港的另一面。

    But yesterday 's record rainfall also showed the other side of Hong Kong .

  12. 假如你赢不了,就帮你前面那个破记录吧。

    If you cannot win , do the one ahead of you break the record .

  13. 我才是破记录的人。

    I 'm the record breaker .

  14. 呼吸不顺畅,使得成绩下降,无法破记录。

    The concern is that respiratory problems could impede athletic performance and prevent records from being broken .

  15. 他的成绩破记录了,没有人可以在那个考试中得到那么高的成绩。

    His grade is off the charts . Nobody 's ever scored that high on that test .

  16. 她第一把便成功举起145公斤的重量,接着要了破记录的149公斤。

    She succeeded in her first attempt for145kg and then asked a record-breaking149kg and made a good lift .

  17. 不论是坐飞机,火车,汽车还是穿,2012年是旅游破记录的一年。

    Whether it was by plane , train , automobile or ship , 2012 was a record breaking year for travel .

  18. 石油商忧心忡忡,认为去年导致石油价格破记录攀升的很多因素依然存在。

    Oilmen are worried because they believe that many of the factors behind the record-breaking ascent last year remain in place .

  19. 加入耐克后你将从体育爱好者成为像刘翔一样在自己职业发展上不断破记录的挑战者!

    Just as Liu Xiang has broken his own record in his sport , you will break yours in your career if you join Nike .

  20. 拉法贝尼特斯对于世界级前锋的渴求今天结束了,费尔南多托雷斯结束最后转会事宜,破记录身价从马德里竞技来到利物浦。

    Rafael Benitez 's long search for a world class striker was all but over today as Fernando Torres put the finishing touches to his record-breaking move from Atletico Madrid to Liverpool .

  21. 呼吸不顺畅,使得成绩下降,无法破记录。比尔的贪玩妨碍了他的学习,他的成绩下降了。

    The concern is that respiratory problems could impede athletic performance and prevent records from being broken . Bill 's playing came between him and his studies , and his grades went down .

  22. 显然他们不考虑他们这些行为的后果。这个世界不得不奋力反抗这些后果。在更无害更有娱乐性的方面,男人则嗜好破记录。比如他们嗜好制造或驾驶最快的车,即使这个世界情愿要不会危害环境的车。

    On a more harmless and playful level there is men 's predilection for breaking records . Construction or driving the fastest car for example , although the world would rather have cars that don 't damage the environment .

  23. 博尔德科罗拉多州的自行车手们想要破记录,但又不想坐牢,因此他们决定骑一定的距离避免因不得体的暴露而被罚。

    Bike riders in Boulder , Colorado wanted to go Full Monty to make a point , but they didn 't want to go to jail either , so they decided to cover up just enough to avoid getting indecent exposure tickets .

  24. 由于冷却性政策的施行和对销售价格的打压,中国房地产商以破记录的出价争夺黄金地的日子即将接近尾声,结束了少数地王在中国全世界第二大经济实体的统治。

    The days of Chinese developers snatching up premium properties with record-breaking offers are coming to an end as cooling measures bite and sale prices are squeezed , ending the reign of a handful of land kings in the world 's second-largest economy .

  25. 特尼斯迅速通过其前俱乐部向破记录者表示祝贺,他对莱万说:“罗伯特,你是当之无愧的,我已经保持这个记录长达24年之久了,被你夺取有些遗憾,但你所做的一切真是惊为神迹。”

    Toennies , through his former club , was quick to congratulate the new record holder , telling Lewandowski : " You deserved it , Robert . I have had this record for 24 years . It is a bit of a pity to see it go but what Robert Lewandowski conjured up was just amazing . "

  26. 其中47个站次观测到破历史记录的高水位,三个站次出现1000a一遇的高水位。

    The record-breaking high water level has been observed for 47 station-times and the high water level with a return period of millennium has occurred for 3 station-time .

  27. 他高中时候还破过记录。

    He broke some record in high school or something .

  28. 两个展览会这次的到场人数都破了记录。

    Both fairs chalked up record-breaking attendance figures this time .

  29. 他为破世界记录做了最后一次努力。

    He made one last attempt at the world record .

  30. 她以多少秒钟破的记录?

    By how many seconds did she break the mark ?