
  • 网络go-for-broke
破罐子破摔 [pò guàn zi pò shuāi]
  • [smash a pot to pieces just because its cracked-write oneself off as hopeless and act recklessly] 比喻已经弄坏了的事就干脆不顾,近似以滥为滥。破罐子:还比喻坏了贞操的女人

  1. 例句:不可自暴自弃,破罐子破摔。离婚后,他自暴自弃。

    After his divorce , he let himself go to seed .

  2. 国会应该做好自己的工作,停止破罐子破摔的行为,通过一份严谨的预算方案,而不是挑起另一次的政府关门事件。这份严谨的预算要为我们的军队、执法人员提供资金,让美国保持强大;

    Congress should do its job , stop kicking the can down the road , and pass a serious budget rather than flirt with another shutdown . A serious budget is one that keeps America strong through our military , our law enforcement ;