
pò xiǎo
  • dawn;daybreak;first light
破晓 [pò xiǎo]
  • [dawn] 早晨刚开始发亮;朝阳或好似朝阳发出光亮

  • 天已破晓

破晓[pò xiǎo]
  1. 破晓之际,海面平静了下来,但是寒冷依旧。

    Dawn came , the sea calmed but the cold was as bitter as ever .

  2. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。

    The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn .

  3. 他们终于离开时正是破晓时分。

    Dawn was breaking when they finally left .

  4. 时间是6点30分,天几乎要破晓了。

    It was six-thirty , almost daybreak

  5. 破晓时雨停了。

    The rain left off at daybreak .

  6. 天将破晓。

    Day is breaking .

  7. 他们睡了好几个小时,不知不觉,东方已破晓了。

    They had a good sleep of a few hours without their noticing it , until the east was already beginning to grow bright .

  8. 他们将准备好牲口在破晓时出发。

    They were to catch up and begin the march at daybreak .

  9. 东方破晓。

    Day dawns in the east .

  10. 爱在黎明破晓前BeforeSunrise《爱在黎明破晓前》是1995年由理查德·林克莱特执导的浪漫爱情片。

    Before Sunrise is a 1995 American romantic drama directed by Richard Linklater .

  11. 在即将破晓时,货轮慢慢地浮了起来。

    Then , just before dawn , the ship slowly regained buoyancy .

  12. 在天将破晓的时候,他被一阵熟悉的,然而却又是反常的回声惊醒了。

    Just before dawn he was assisted in waking by the abnormal reverberation of familiar music .

  13. 在圣经故事当中,有些工人到第十一个小时才来,却能领到一整天的报酬,和那些天破晓就来干活、担负重担、饱受酷热的工人拿得一样多。

    Literally came in at the eleventh hour but received a full day ’ s pay , the same as those who came in at day break and had to “ borne the burden and heat of the day . ”

  14. 这次谈话就发生在联邦调查局(fbi)特工在破晓时分将二人缉拿归案的几天之前。

    That conversation came only days before both men were arrested at dawn by Federal Bureau of investigation agents .

  15. n.黎明;开端vt.破晓;出现为了在中午前到达那里,黎明时开始我们的行程。……

    dawn We started our trip at dawn in order to get there before noon .......

  16. 来自《暮光之城:破晓》上集欢迎RobertPattinson,KristenStewart和TaylorLautner

    From Twilight : Breaking Dawn Part 1 , please welcome Robert Pattinson , Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner .

  17. 在《暮光之城:破晓》第2部的大荧幕上扮演丈夫和妻子的这一对,将于10月28日在洛杉矶开始宣传《暮光之城》系列电影的最后一部,顶峰娱乐公司周一向《People》证实了。

    The pair , who play onscreen husband and wife in The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn - Part 2 , are scheduled to start promoting the final movie in the Twilight series in Los Angeles on Oct. 28 , Summit Pictures confirmed to PEOPLE Monday .

  18. 禁映期按计划于下周结束,7月25日将上映《暮光之城4:破晓(上)》(TheTwilightSaga:BreakingDawnPart1)。

    It is scheduled to end next week , with the release of ' The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn Part 1 ' on July 25 .

  19. 近日,罗伯特帕丁森接受Premiere杂志采访,谈话中他分享了不少电影《破晓》的拍摄情况。

    Robert Pattinson recently sat down for a long interview with Premiere magazine where he shared a lot about filming Breaking Dawna .

  20. 据报道,RobertPattinson和KristenStewart准备在今夏拍摄完电影《暮光之城4:破晓》后完婚,届时只会邀请少数宾客好友。

    According to reports , the two of them Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are going to get married in summer with only a few guests and close friends invited .

  21. 全球粉丝们对即将上映的《暮光》系列终章《破晓》翘首以盼为了爱为了珍惜Bella快醒醒

    And fans across the globe are eager to sink their teeth into the latest of the Twilight series : Breaking Dawn.To love , to cherish . Bella , come on .

  22. 美貌犹如破晓时分的光华一样逝去。

    Whilst beauty fades like starlight at the break of day .

  23. 过一会儿,嘉兴当地又重现破晓。

    Moments later Jiaxing enjoyed its second dawn of the day .

  24. 天将破晓,所有的麻烦都来了。

    When the day broken , all the fucking going on .

  25. 当我们返回营地时,天刚破晓。

    Dawn was breaking when we came back to the camp .

  26. 天破晓了;云层的空隙。

    The break of day ; a break in the clouds .

  27. 凭借其柔软安静的光芒,崭新的一天破晓而至

    As it penetrates the darkness with its soft and tranquil beams

  28. 这里的破晓让你看见无边无际的单调天空。

    The dawn offers the blank stare of an immense sky .

  29. 天破晓时阴沉沉的,下了一两场阵雨。

    The day started out grey with a shower or two .

  30. 我们必须在破晓时离开。

    We 'll have to leave at the crack of dawn .