
  • cocoon-break
  1. 破茧时你一定会很惊喜。

    I think you 're going to be surprised when it hatches .

  2. 后来,蝴蝶破茧好象停了下来,没有什么进展了。

    Then it seemed to stop making any progress .

  3. 一次完美的破茧化蝶&苏州阳光新地·香格里拉酒店设计有感

    Broken a Perfect Cocoon & Design Thoughts of Suzhou New Sunshine Land Shangri-La Hotel

  4. 市场需要破茧重生&关键还是在金融系统。

    The need is to break the chain-which leads back to the financial system .

  5. 缚茧与破茧&新世纪张爱玲小说研究综述

    Conservation and innovation & General comment on the research on Zhang Ailing 's novels in the new century

  6. 或者说这是一部关于重生的电影,从心理和精神两方面死去,然后破茧重生。

    Or perhaps a re-birthing movie in which , having died psychologically and spiritually , he emerges from his cocoon .

  7. 监狱剧集《破茧威龙》里,犯人每次都会泼粪跟尿,所以…

    On Lock Up : Raw , they always spray the guards with a mixture of urine and feces , so ...

  8. 你将我用银白包围,好似蚕蛹一般,我想最后我也会破茧而飞吧。

    You will be surrounded by white I like pupa general , I think I will break the final cocoon and fly .

  9. 与此同时,奶娃的成长犹如破茧而飞的蝴蝶熏需要长期的酝酿和适当的契机。

    Meanwhile , Milkman 's growth is like a butterfly shaking off the pod , which needs long-term nourishment and the appropriate opportunities .

  10. 二零零四年,发表了第二部长篇小说《未遂的疯狂》,二零零九年人民文学出版社出版了第三部长篇小说《破茧》。

    In2004 , they published the second novel The Attempt of the Crazy , in2009 the People 's Literature Publishing House published their third novel Cocoon .

  11. 前几天和一位朋友闲聊时,我想起今年夏天听到的一个故事:有个人很富有同情心,看到一只蝴蝶拼命挣扎想冲破茧的束缚,就帮了个忙,轻轻地解开茧丝使其露出一个缺口。

    The other day as I talked with a friend I recalled a story that I heard this summer . A compassionate person , seeing a butterfly struggling to free itself from its cocoon , and wanting to help , very gently loosened the filaments to form an opening .