
  1. 论破坏性采矿罪

    On the Crime of Mining in a Destructive Way

  2. 浅谈非法采矿罪与破坏性采矿罪的区分

    Difference between the Crime of Mining Mineral Resources Illegally and the Crime of Mining Mineral Resources Destructively

  3. 对我国刑法第343条之思考&非法采矿罪与破坏性采矿罪立法之修改建议

    Discussion on the 343 Article of Criminal Law of China & Suggestion for revising the legislation of illegal mining crime and damaging mining crime

  4. 破坏性采矿罪出现于我国刑法典尚属首次。本文探讨了该罪的沿革、概念、构成、适用、处罚等问题

    The crime of mining in a destructive way appears in China 's Criminal Law for the first time This paper makes a tentative study on the problems about the evolution , the concept , the constitution , the application and the punishment of the crime

  5. 破坏性开采方法的正确界定是准确认定破坏性采矿罪的关键。

    Accurate delimitation of destructive mining method is the key point for defining the crime of destructive mining .