
yī liáo shì ɡù zuì
  • crime of medical accident
  1. “严重损害后果”是构成医疗事故罪的必要条件之一。

    Research on the Objective of Crime of Medical Accident ;

  2. 医疗事故罪犯罪对象研究

    Research on the Objective of Crime of Medical Accident

  3. 医疗事故罪客观方面要件研究

    Research on the Objective Constitutive Elements of Crime of Medical Incident

  4. 第二章是对医疗事故罪客观方面的研究。

    The first part of this chapter studies on medical treatment .

  5. 第三部分为医疗事故罪的认定与处罚。

    Part 3 is the conviction and punishment of the crime .

  6. 我国医疗事故罪的医疗过失问题探讨

    On the medical negligence problems in the medical negligence crime

  7. 医疗事故罪的实体认定&兼与非法行医罪比较

    Determining the Substance of Crime of Medical Treatment Accident

  8. 医疗事故罪的犯罪特征与构成要件

    Criminal Characteristics of Malpractice Crime and Its Components

  9. 医疗事故罪中严重损害后果释论

    Explanation and Discussion on the " Serious Damage Result " in Medical Accident Crime

  10. 关于医疗事故罪认定的两个问题

    Two Problems on the Crime of Medical Malpractice

  11. 第三部分:医疗事故罪在司法实践中的认定。

    The third part : Asserting in the judicial practice of crime of malpractice .

  12. 医疗事故罪是发生在医疗活动中比较难于认定的一种犯罪,本文重点对医疗事故罪的犯罪构成和司法认定进行论述。

    Medical accident crime is one of the medical crimes , difficult to be identified .

  13. 医疗事故罪严重损害认定的探讨

    Discussion of the identification of " grievous injury " in the crime of medical malpractice

  14. 医疗事故罪的主观方面只能是过失,故意不构成此罪。

    Subjective of crime of medical accident is negligence , but not the formed design ;

  15. 论医疗事故罪

    The Discussion About the Medical Maltreatment Crime

  16. 医疗事故罪存在的问题较多。

    Medical accident crime has many problems .

  17. 第一部分为医疗事故罪的概述。

    In the first part , an outline of crime of medical accident will be given .

  18. 首先对医疗事故罪的历史发展进行粗略回顾。

    Firstly , take a glancing overview of the developing history of crime of medical accident .

  19. 医疗事故罪是97刑法新增加的一个罪名。

    The crime of accident of medical treatment is the new crime added to the Criminal law of1997 .

  20. 医疗事故罪与非法行医罪是新刑法增设的两个罪名。

    The crimes of medical treatment accident and practice medicine illegally are two increased crimes of the new Criminal Law .

  21. 医疗事故罪的客观要件严重损害就诊人身体健康的探讨

    An Analysis of the Objective Factor of Medical Malpractice Crime & " Injure the Patient 's Physical Health Seriously "

  22. 此外,我国刑法也对医疗事故罪和非法行医罪做出了明确规定。

    Besides , the crime of malpractice and illegal medicine has been definitely prescribed in the criminal code of our country .

  23. 对医疗事故罪的主体进行了严格的界定,分析了医务人员的形式要件和实质要件。

    Guilty subject carry on defining strict to malpractice , analyse form important document and essence important document of medical worker .

  24. 其次,医疗事故罪作为一种业务过失犯罪,医疗、护理人员在主观上只能表现为一种过失。

    Secondly , the medical accident criminal negligence as a business , medical , nurse can only be expressed as a subjective fault .

  25. 医疗事故罪的犯罪直接客体是医疗卫生管理工作秩序和不特定就诊人的生命健康权益。

    The direct criminal objects of the offence of medical malpractice refer to medical and health management and the rights of a given patient .

  26. 然而经过10多年的发展,医疗事故罪在无论是在理论上还是实践中很多问题的争议仍很大。

    However , after 10 years of development , Medical accident crime , whether in theory or in practice , many problems still great controversy .

  27. 医疗事故罪的法定刑配置突出地存在以下两个问题:1、对医疗事故罪适用的刑罚种类只有有期徒刑和拘役两种,显得过于单薄。

    Two problems are found obviously in the legal punishment of Malpractice : the sorts of criminal punishment are too simple and only cover specified sentence and detention ;

  28. 医疗事故罪作为一种典型的业务过失犯罪,与交通事故等相关的业务活动中的事故一样,已成为人们日常生活中经常发生的事。

    As a kind of typical professional unpremeditated crime , like traffic accident and other professional accidents , crime of medical accident occurs frequently in our daily lives .

  29. 医疗事故罪是一种典型的业务过失犯罪,其中涉及到的立法价值取向、犯罪过失等问题都很有代表性。

    Crime of Medical Accident is one typical offence of vocational negligence . Some problems it contains such as the legislation value tropism and the criminal negligence are characteristic .

  30. 医疗事故罪客观方面的要件包括:1医务人员在正常的诊疗护理的职务工作中有严重不负责任的行为;

    The objective constitutive elements of crime of medical incident includes the following : ( 1 ) medical staff has made serious irresponsible acts during the normal treatment and care ;