
  1. 医原性输尿管损伤18例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 18 Cases of Iatrogenic Ureteric Injuries

  2. 监护设备对病人造成医原性损伤的预防

    Prevention of Iatrogenic Injury Caused by Monitoring Facilities

  3. 医原性输尿管损伤的一期修补

    Primary repair of iatrogenic injury to the ureter

  4. 医原性假性动脉瘤的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of iatrogenic pseudoaneurysms

  5. 方法对1990至2005年18例19侧医原性输尿管损伤病例进行回顾性研究。

    Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on 18 patients sustained from 19 iatrogenic ureteric injuries over the recent 15 years ( 1990-2005 ) .

  6. 无一例出现骨性针道感染、松动、医原性骨折及桡神经浅支损伤等并发症。

    And there was no any complication , such as pin tract infection , fixator loosening , iatrogenic fracture and injury of the superficial radial nerve .

  7. 因此探讨腰椎后路手术对腰椎脊旁多裂肌的损伤机制,并如何减小这种医原性的损伤,成为了脊柱外科的一个重要课题。

    Therefore studying the mechanisms of iatrogenic multifidus muscle injury , and how to reduce this injury , have become an important topic in international spinal surgery area .

  8. 车祸伤17例、意外伤8例、医原性损伤5例、烧伤2例。

    17 cases of traffic accident , 8 cases of accidental injury , 5 cases of surgical injury , two cases of burns were included in our study .

  9. 现将近年来中西医对原发性骨质疏松症的认识与防治研究综述如下。

    This paper reviewed the newest progression of Chinese and Western medicine in the primary osteoporosis .

  10. 中西医结合治疗原发性痛经210例

    210 Cases of Primary Dysmenorrhea Treaed by Integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine

  11. 中西医结合治疗原发性膝关节骨性关节炎138例

    Combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Treating 138 Patients with Primary Osteoarthritis

  12. 中西医结合治疗原发性膜性肾炎肾病综合征的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Treatment for Primary Membranous Nephritis and kidney disease Syndrome Combining Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

  13. 提示中西医结合治疗原发性肾病综合症,能提高其缓解率、降低复发率、减少复发次数;

    These results showed that integrated therapy of Chinese and western medicines for primary nephrotic syndrome could elevate its relieving rate , decrease its recurrent rate and decrease frequency of recurrence .

  14. 中西医结合治疗原发性肝癌的方法具有提高患者生存质量、延长生存期的优势,值得在临床上推广。

    Integrative Medicine has the advantage of hepatocellular carcinoma : a certain degree of improvement in clinical symptoms of patients to relieve suffering , improve the quality of the final effective and prolong survival in clinical worth promoting .

  15. 中西医结合治疗对原发性高血压颈动脉内膜增厚的消退作用

    TCM-WM treatment of Essential Hypertension Carotid Intima Thickening Regressive Effect

  16. 中西医结合抢救重型原发性颅脑损伤的临床研究

    Clinical study on integrated traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine in treating severe primary craniocerebral injury

  17. 中西医结合综合治疗原发性慢性肾小球肾炎36例临床观察

    Effect of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Primary Chronic Glomerular Nephritis : An Observation of 36 Cases

  18. 结论:中西医结合是治疗原发性膜性肾炎肾病综合征的有效方法。

    Conclusion : The treatment combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine is effective for proto membranous nephritic syndrome .

  19. 中西医结合疗法对原发性高血压病糖耐量减低者生活质量和血脂的影响

    Combination of Chinese and Western Therapies : Its Influences on Life Quality and Blood-fat of Primary Hypertension Patients with Declined Glucose Tolerance

  20. 中西医结合治疗成人原发性肾小球肾病及慢性肾炎肾病型134例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 134 Cases of Primary Glomerulonephropathy and Chronic Nephritis ( Nephropathy Type ) in Adults Treated by Combined Chinese Traditional and Western Medicine

  21. 结论:中西医结合救治重型原发性颅脑损伤有显著疗效,能缩短昏迷持续时间及平均住院时间。

    Conclusions : There are significant curative effects in severe primary craniocerebral injury treated with TCM WM , it could shorten the coma time and the mean time of hospitalization .