
  • 网络Journal of Medical Research;Journal of Medical Sciences
  1. Eysenbach是开放获取的《医学互联网研究杂志》(JournalofMedicalInternetResearch)的主编。

    Eysenbach is editor of the open-access Journal of Medical Internet Research .

  2. 根据即将发表在《医学互联网研究杂志》上的研究,锻炼伙伴是一个很好的动力,不过前提条件是你的伙伴能够保持安静。

    Exercising with a partner is a good motivator . But maybe only if your gym buddy keeps quiet . That 's according to research to be published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research .

  3. 而且,即使这些医学信息成功在研究杂志上发表,也只有在17年之后,这些信息才能够真正被应用于诊疗室或者手术台上。

    And even when that information finds its way into journals , it can take up to17 years to find its way to an exam room or operating table .