
  1. 医院感染漏报率不同统计方法的探讨

    Two Methods to Calculate Rate of Missing Report on Nosocomial Infection

  2. 结果医院感染漏报率高、微生物标本送检率低、抗生素使用不尽合理、医院感染管理水平有待提高。

    RESULTS The unreported hospital infection was high and the rate of the samples submitted to examination was low . Antibiotics were used improperly , and there were still some shortcomings in the management against hospital infection .

  3. 医院感染及漏报率统计分析

    Statistic Analysis of Nosocomial Infection and the Rate of Misreporting

  4. 结论做好医院感染前瞻性调查工作不仅能够降低医院感染的漏报率,而且能有效地预警医院感染的暴发流行趋势。

    It can not only decrease the missing report of nosocomial infection with ( prospective )( monitoring ) method , but also effectively clue on trend of outbreak and epidemic of nosocomial infection .