
  1. 随着大都市对精神健康关注日益增加,北京回龙观医院正在招募新人,应答“心理危机干预热线”。

    Beijing Huilongguan Hospital suicide-prevention hotline is recruiting more trainees when greater attention is being placed on mental health issues in mega-cities .

  2. 对照组63例(男30例,女33例),为北京回龙观医院的职工、家属及进修人员。

    The control group , receiving MMPI assessment only , consisted of 63 subjects ( 30 males , 33 females ) who were employees , their family members and students for advanced study .

  3. 擅长心理健康治疗的北京回龙观医院的副院长杨福德说,中国是世界自杀率最高的国家之一,尤其是农村妇女。

    Yang Fude , vice-president of Beijing Huilongguan Hospital , which specializes in mental health , said China has one of the highest suicide rates in the world , particularly among rural women .