
  1. 对,这就是现在的职场,很多在北上广深创业公司打拼的年轻人,其实失败得血本无归。

    Yes , this is the current job market . Many young people who came to the first-tier cities ended up in devastating failures .

  2. 据CCTV报道,目前中国国内配备了AED的公共场所只有首都国际机场、上海地铁部分线路和北上广等地的一些奥运场馆。

    According to China Central Television ( CCTV ) , AED can so far only be found at the Beijing Capital International Airport , some lines of the Shanghai subway and in a few Olympic stadiums in Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou .

  3. 许多成功逃离北上广等大城市的年轻职员或高校毕业生正在逐渐回流。

    Many young employees or college grads , who successfully fled the big cities including Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou are streaming back .

  4. 11月7日晚间,《北上广不相信眼泪》在北京卫视的黄金时段两集连播。

    Launched on Nov 7 , two episodes of the Swan Dive for Love are aired during prime time every night on Beijing Satellite TV .

  5. 这份报告是根据来自北上广等十座大城市的300万白领的体检结果得出的。

    The report is based on the health checkup results of 3 million white-collar workers in more than 10 major cities , including Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou .

  6. 本次“社会蓝皮书”覆盖国内最发达的三大城市—北上广的中层收入人群概况。

    The " social blue paper " features the profiles of middle class citizens in three of the country 's most developed cities -- Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou .

  7. 大多数海归都选择在北上广等一线城市工作,主要从事于金融、制造、教育和科学等行业。

    Most returnees choose to work in first-tier cities like Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou . They are mainly involved in the financial , manufacturing , education and scientific industries .