
  • 网络Fenland
  1. 尤其是芬兰首都区,是该产业发展的中心,带动了芬兰经济的迅速发展。

    Especially the Finnish capital area , it is the center of this industry and lead the development of Finland .

  2. 距此区只数公里的花岗岩体,为其西广大的芬兰中部花岗岩区的前哨。

    Masses of granite only a few kilometers away herald the vast granite area of Central Finland to the west .

  3. 芬兰是欧元区国家,距布、法两市均很远,但其十年期政府债券的利率要比法国与比利时等核心国家低得多。

    Yet this is not so . Finland is a euro-area country a long way from both cities that can raise ten-year government debt more cheaply than such core countries as France and Belgium .

  4. 设想一下,假如明天就要求德国、荷兰或芬兰签字批准欧元区债券。

    Imagine Germany , the Netherlands or Finland were asked to sign off on a eurobond tomorrow .