
  • 网络Fink;Funke;FUNK;Finck;Laurence Fink
  1. 我已经研读了芬克&瓦格诺百科全书

    I 've been reading up on my Funk & Wagnalls ...

  2. 芬克被许多认识他的人指责为从来不守时的人。

    Funk was pointed at by many who knew him as one who was never punctual .

  3. 比作某种生物(如斯芬克司谜)来自英汉非文学-民俗

    I. Comparisons to a Living Creature ( i. e. , the Sphinx riddle ) 1 .

  4. 芬克表示希望,与妻子洛里(lori)一起对加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森商学院(uclaandersonschoolofmanagement)的这次捐赠,将有助于该校架起学术界与金融业之间的“桥梁”。

    Larry finksaid he hoped the endowment to the UCLA Anderson School of management , which he made with his wife , Lori , would help the school become a " bridge " between academia and the financial sector .

  5. 最近,芬克成为了受邀参加七国集团(G7)财长会议、为数不多的公司高管之一,他的地位得到了证实。

    Mr Fink 's stature was confirmed when he was one of the fewexecutives invited to the recent finance ministers meeting of the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations .

  6. 芬克和他的副手罗布卡皮托(robkapito)曾经听说过市场中的这种观点,并反驳了认为贝莱德规模过大难以管理的说法。

    Mr Fink and rob kapito , his number two , have heard this argument before and deny suggestions that BlackRock is too big to manage .

  7. 华尔街人士称,相对于卢,他们更倾向于另外两名候选人,前投资银行家、两度成为第二人选的厄斯金·鲍尔斯和黑石集团(BlackRock)CEO拉里·芬克。

    Wall Streeters say the two other candidates who are considered in the mix for the job , former investment banker and two-time second Erskine Bowles and BlackRock ( BLK ) CEO Larry Fink , would be preferable to Lew .

  8. 该校金融中心(CentreforFinance)主任丹尼斯.芬克(DennisVink)指出,奈尔洛德的留学生受益于荷兰相对宽松的移民规定,它允许学生签证持有者在毕业后工作最长一年时间。

    Dennis Vink , director of its Centre for Finance , notes that those coming from overseas to study at Nyenrode benefit from the relatively generous Dutch immigration rules , which allow people to work for up to a year after graduating on their student visa .

  9. 近日芬克将飞往美国西海岸,向加州公务员养老基金(calpers)和加州教师养老基金(calstrs)这两家大型养老基金讲解关注所持资产与终需偿付的债务之间匹配程度的重要性。

    Next week , Mr Fink will fly out to the US west coast to address the two big California pension funds , CalPERS and CalSTRS , on the need to focus on matching the assets they hold against the types of liabilities they will eventually have to pay .

  10. 在结束与银行高管们的交谈之后,盖特纳接到了芬克打来的电话。

    After Mr Geithner finished his conversations with executives , Mr Fink called him .

  11. 我们到了,我要看看这里。好啦,芬克。

    We 're here . I have to see this . okay , finkie .

  12. 鲍尔斯一直是预算赤字鹰派人物,而芬克显然通晓债券市场。

    Bowles has been a deficit hawk , and Fink clearly knows the debt market .

  13. 然而,从金融行业的标准来看,芬克保持着平衡的生活方式。

    Yet by the standards of the industry , Mr Fink retains a balanced lifestyle .

  14. 芬克表示,这种情况经常出现。

    This happens often , says Fink .

  15. 芬克是为数不多、与所有人都是泛泛之交的董事之一。

    Mr Fink was one of the few directors who remained on speaking terms with everyone .

  16. 其次,阐述了危机管理理论&危机生命周期理论也就是芬克模型,对危机进行了分类;

    Secondly , the theory of crisis management & Crisis Circle Theory ( the Fink Model ) is illustrated .

  17. 不过将这一点放在婚恋网站中来考察,芬克博士确实没有找到相关研究。

    Dr Finkel could find no study which addressed the question directly , in the context of internet dating .

  18. 29岁的芬克成为第一波士顿有史以来最为年轻的董事总经理。

    At age 29 , Mr Fink was the youngest person ever to become a managing director of First Boston .

  19. 中国经济正以12%至13%的速度增长;未来将放缓至8%,芬克表示。

    The Chinese economy was growing 12-13 per cent ; it 's slowing to 8 per cent , Mr Fink said .

  20. 芬克担心,大量的企业养老基金目前是在出于会计目的行事,而非基于合理的经济原因。

    Mr Fink worries that too many corporate pension funds are doing things for accounting reasons rather than sound economic reasons .

  21. 作为安德森商学院及加州大学洛杉矶分校毕业生的芬克表示:一场信贷危机正在席卷美国和欧洲。

    A credit crisis is engulfing the US and Europe , said Mr Fink , an Anderson alumnus and UCLA graduate .

  22. 芬克博士研究的结论要点可以总结为:在网上寻找真爱并不比其他地方容易。

    The upshot of Dr Finkel 's review is thus that love is as hard to find on the internet as elsewhere .

  23. 芬克称,金融市场的动荡说服了他,让他认为有必要向该商学院捐款。

    Mr Fink said the turmoil in financial markets had convinced him of the need to make the gift to the business school .

  24. 黑岩的成功很大程度上取决于该公司所采用的最高风险分析。然而,芬克做出了一些关键战略决策。

    BlackRock 's success is due largely to the state-of-the-art risk analytics it adopts , yet Mr Fink has made key strategic decisions .

  25. 目前,黑岩价值约250亿美元,芬克持有的股权让他的最新身价至少达到2.5亿美元。

    With BlackRock now worth about $ 25bn , Mr Fink 's stake gives him a new worth of at least $ 250m .

  26. 芬克夫妇都是积极的慈善家,但过去往往把重点放在医药研究领域。

    MR and Mrs Fink are active philanthropists but have , in the past , tended to focus their efforts on medical research .

  27. 芬克或许希望,盖特纳在离开美国财政部以后有朝一日会考虑加盟贝莱德。

    In wishful moments Mr Fink may hope that some day , after he has left the Treasury , Mr Geithner would consider joining BlackRock .

  28. 但是,芬克地位的提升即便不能说明其他问题,它也表明,金融危机不仅产生了大输家,同时也造就了一批大赢家。

    But , if nothing else , his ascent shows that the financial crisis is not just producing big losers – but some significant winners too .

  29. 我确信,就从目前的价位来看,中国很多股票代表着非常强劲的估值,芬克表示。

    I am sure in China there are a number of stocks specifically at these prices today that represent some very strong value , Mr Fink said .

  30. 同行的还有美国宇航员迈克尔-芬克以及俄罗斯宇航员尤里-隆恰科夫。来自得克萨斯州、从事电脑游戏开发的加里奥特为此次太空游共花费3500万美元。

    A video game developer from Texas , Garriott paid $ 35 million to fly into space alongside US astronaut Michael Fincke and Russian cosmonaut Yury Lonchakov .