
  • 网络Fenway Park
  1. NPR新闻,大卫·斯科皮尔报道,波士顿芬威球场外报道。

    David Schaper NPR News , outside of Fenway park in Boston .

  2. 人们希望,它甚至不会改变波士顿人对该市众多体育赛事的心情。这些赛事才是波士顿人真正关心的,红袜队(RedSox)的主场芬威球场(FenwayPark)不啻于该市的光明大教堂。

    not even , one hopes , the public 's state of mind at all the sporting events that constitute the city 's true calendar of devotion , with Fenway Park , where the Red Sox baseball team play , its cathedral of light .

  3. 然而那次会面更不可能,因为凯许曼惊闻亨德瑞人正在波士顿的芬威球场。

    That meeting would be impossible , Cashman was surprised to learn , because Hendricks was in Boston at Fenway park .

  4. 托瑞爷爷这个星期稍早己经和大老说到话了,就在洋基在芬威球场连输三场之后。

    Torre said that he spoke earlier in the week with steinbrenner , following up after the Yankees were held winless in three games at Fenway park .

  5. 无论是在芬威球场或是外面的一家娱乐酒吧,波士顿红袜队的球迷们对那些赛前介绍热烈自豪地欢呼。

    Both inside Fenway park and a disport bar outside of it , Boston Red Sox fans cheered passionately and proudly for those introduced before the game .

  6. 要抹去离开芬威球场与蓝鸟球场的伤痛真的不容易,但是大部分的洋基老鸟以前也曾经经历连败。

    That may not have eased the sting of walking out of both Fenway Park and Tropicana field winless , but the mostly veteran Yankees have experienced these stretches before .

  7. 那可真棒,我真想哪天看一场比赛,可他们不允许在芬威球场用电脑,总之,今天您还好吗?

    That is awesome I would really like to see a game some day but they don 't allow computers at Fenway Park Anyway , so how are you doing today ?

  8. 周一波士顿马拉松爆炸后,周六芬威球场加强安保措施首次开赛,红袜队主场迎战堪萨斯皇家队。

    Security is tight at Fenway Park Saturday with the Red Sox host of the Kansas City royals taking the field for the first time since Monday 's Boston Marathon bombing .

  9. 然而,这大雨让球队将这位左投手挪到星期五先发,洋基将尝试做出一些对于上个星期在芬威球场被三连胜横扫的报复。

    Instead , the washout prompted the team to push the left-hander back to friday , when he 'll try to exact some revenge on behalf of the bombers following a three-game sweep last weekend at Fenway park .