
fēn bì dé
  • Fenbid
  1. 方法将260例膝骨性关节炎患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组采用四步针药疗法,对照组采用LKD型六合多功能治疗仪配合口服芬必得片。

    Methods Two hundred and sixty patients with genual osteoarthritis were randomly divided into treatment and control groups . The treatment group received four-step acupuncture and medicine therapy and the control group was treated with LK-D sixfold multi-functional therapeutic instrument plus oral administration of Fenbid .

  2. 芬必得致双下肢水肿1例

    A case adema of both lower extremities by fenbid

  3. 结果:益气化瘀方可以增加血管芽的数量和面积,与活血通络方作用相似,优于芬必得;模型组软骨终板内VEGF表达明显,但表达率减少;

    Results : Yiqi Huayu Fang was used to increase the number and area of afferent bud , to improve the expression of intravascular VEGF .

  4. 结果:沙疗组的关节软骨的病变程度较其它两组相比,均有显著减轻,沙疗组及芬必得组关节液中的IL-1β、TNF-α的水平及血清中NO水平较空白对照组明显降低。

    The IL-1 β、 TNF - α level of the sand therapy group and fenbid group in synovial fluid and NO level in serum of the sand therapy were decreased significantly ;

  5. 昨晚吃了粒“芬必得”才得有一夜好觉。

    Last night I took a painkiller so I had a good sleep .

  6. 芬必得治疗地方性氟骨症的Ⅱ期临床研究

    The study of clinical of ⅱ stage on treatment endemic skeletal fluorosis by using Fenbid

  7. 本文中首先对家兔口服芬必得和布洛芬颗粒剂后,各对映体的药物动力学性质进行了研究,考察了剂型对布洛芬对映体立体选择性体内药物动力学的影响。

    We investigated the difference of the pharmacokinetic properties after oral administration of conventional granules and Fenbid . ibuprofen ;

  8. 尤其是即时疗效电针次髎穴的疗效明显优于口服西药芬必得疗法。

    In particular , the efficacy of the immediate efficacy EA Ciliao the hole much better than oral medicine Fenbid therapy .

  9. 目的:将通迪胶囊与芬必得胶囊用于急慢性疼痛性疾病的镇痛疗效进行对照研究。

    Aim : To investigate the analgesic effect of capsule Tongdi and capsule Fenbid for the treatment of acute or chronic pain .

  10. 总有效率为100%。结论:针刀结合手法能够有效缓解肩周炎患者的临床症状,提高临床疗效且其疗效优于氯唑沙宗片、地巴唑、芬必得等消炎镇痛药内服。

    The total effective rate was 100 % Conclusion : Acupotomy combined with manipulation can relieve symptoms in patients with frozen shoulder , it enhances clinical efficacy and its effect is better than chlorzoxazone tablets , bendazol , Fenbid spansule other oral anti-inflammatory analgesic .