
  • 网络cancellous bone;spongy bone;trabecular bone
  1. 但人们在检验恐龙化石时,没有发现任何海绵骨沉淀。也就是说,这些在窝里的恐龙很可能是成年雄性恐龙,它们不需要形成蛋壳所需的钙质。

    But when the dinosaur fossils were examined , there were no spongy bone deposits , meaning that those dinosaurs on the nests were probably adult males who wouldn 't have needed calcium for making eggshells .

  2. 目的探讨重组人成骨蛋白-1(rhOP-1)明胶海绵骨修复材料的体内毒性反应,为其临床应用奠定基础。

    [ Objective ] To study the toxicity of recombinant human osteogenetic protein-1 ( rhOP-1 ) bone repairing material embedded in gelatin sponge .

  3. 坚硬的皮质骨的替代过程大大慢于海绵骨或松质骨。

    In hard cortical bone this process of replacement is considerably slower than in spongy or cancellous bone .

  4. 目的运用动态钆增强MRI技术,评价正常骨骺软骨、生长板软骨、海绵状骨松质、干骺端等不同解剖区域的血液供应特征。

    Objective To evaluate the blood perfusion of epiphysis , physis , spongiosa and metaphysis in normal growth skeletons by using dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging .

  5. 海绵质骨螺旋钉拔出试验之生物力学分析

    Biomechanical analysis of pullout test of pedicle screw for cancellous bone

  6. 与生长板和海绵状骨松质相比,骨骺软骨的强化最慢(P<0.001),而生长板与海绵状骨松质强化快慢之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.1)。

    The epiphyseal cartilage enhanced most slowly , compared to physis and spongiosa ( P < 0.001 ) .

  7. 结果:在自然体位组,海绵状骨松质的增强率最高(P<0.001),生长板与海绵状骨松质强化快慢之间差异无显著性意义。

    Results : In group with neutral position , the enhancement ratio of metaphyseal spongiosa was greatest compared to those of all other anatomic regions ( P < 0.001 ) . No significant differences in enhancement speed between physeal cartilage and spongiosa was found .

  8. 目的探讨海绵状脱钙骨基质(DBM)和泥灰状DBM修复骨缺损的能力。

    Objective To evaluate the osteogenic effects of of spongy and putty-like demineralized bone matrix ( DBM ) in repairing segmental defects .

  9. 目的:研究以骨髓基质干细胞(BoneMarrowStemCells,BMSCs)为种子细胞,海绵状脱钙骨基质(Demineralizedbonematrix,DBM)为细胞载体的组织工程块修复骨缺损的能力。

    AIM : To study the ability of tissue engineering section to repair bone defects with bone marrow stromal stem cells ( BMSCs ) as seed cells and demineralized bone matrix ( DBM ) as cell carrier .

  10. 成年的雌鸟在产卵时会在某些长骨中分泌一层海绵状的骨组织。

    You see , adult female birds during egg production produce a layer of spongy bone tissue inside certain long bones .

  11. 目的探讨骨髓来源的种子细胞复合胶原蛋白海绵构建组织工程骨修复牙槽嵴裂的可行性。

    Objective To investigate restoration of alveolar cleft with engineered bone constructed by sponge collagen protein combined bone mesenchymal stem cells ( BMSC ) .

  12. 通过本研究达到以下目的:1、比较术后团块状和海绵状两种骨水泥分布模式的临床疗效及进一步讨论分析两者间存在的差异。

    Here is the objectives of this study :①: Comparison for the clinical efficacy of bulky and spongy two bone cement distribution patterns . then further discuss and analysis the differences between the two clinical efficacy .