
  • 网络shore protection works
  1. 废黄河口海岸防护工程规划研究

    Study on coastal protection engineering in the abandoned Yellow River Estuary

  2. 海堤是常见的海岸防护工程结构,在淤泥质海岸,大多采用复合式海堤形式。

    Seawall is one of the most common structures in coastal and ocean engineering .

  3. 风暴增减水重现值是确定港口水工结构、海岸防护工程设计的重要参数。

    The return values of positive and negative storm surges are important parameters to design disaster-prevention structures in coastal engineering .

  4. 20世纪90年代后期,由于一些海域管理措施的出台和相应的海岸防护工程的建设,海岸侵蚀逐渐减弱。

    In the late 1990s , the coastal erosion in this area was alleviated by taking some sea area management measures and constructing some associated coastal protection works .

  5. 海岸防护工程是海岸工程的重要组成部分,以海岸防护(或海滨防护)为目的,建造不同类型的海岸建筑物,护岸是其中的一种。

    Coastal shore protection projection is an important part of the shore projection , For the purposes of coastal protection ( or coastal protection ), We construct different types of marine coastal buildings or take other protective measures .

  6. 提出了加强自然灾害预报预警系统、农田水利基础设施和江海岸坡防护工程建设等相应的防治对策。

    Forecast and early warning of natural disasters , irrigation and water conservancy foundation project and protective engineering of riverbank and seacoast construction should be strengthened .

  7. 北方泥质海岸防护林生态工程的研究

    Ecological engineering of shelter forest construction on mud seashore of north China

  8. 这些新的解析结果不仅有助于揭示岸坡对非线性浅水波影响的力学机理,在海岸防护和开发等工程领域中也具有现实的指导意义。

    Those new analytical results may give an insight to the mechanism of the effects of beaches on the non-linear wave reflection , which is of significance for the coast engineering .