
  1. 随着经济建设的发展,土地资源相对变的越来越紧缺,人类对海洋空间利用的需求不断增加,填海造陆工程也日益增多。

    With the economy and construction developing , land resources become short supply , therefore the requirements for the use of the ocean become more and more urgent and sea reclamation projects increase progressively .

  2. 填海造地是海洋空间资源利用的重要方式之一,它为城市发展拓展了生存空间,为社会经济的发展提供了重要的生产要素。

    Land reclamation is one of the important ways of marine space resources for city development . It expands the living space , provides an important production factor for the development of social economy .

  3. 超大型浮体在海洋资源开发和海洋空间利用方面有重要应用前景。

    In the exploration of ocean resources and utilization of ocean space , very large floating structures are of significant use .

  4. 应用超大型海洋浮式结构物进行海洋空间利用和海洋资源开发,是目前海洋工程界的研究热点。

    The utilization of very large floating structures in the use of ocean space and development of ocean resources is regarded as a focus of attention in ocean engineering circles .