
  • 网络Amex Biotechnology Index
  1. 过去一个季度,富时对冲基金指数(ftsehedgefundindex)下跌5%,而富时全类股指数(ftseallshare)则下跌11%。

    The FTSE hedge fund index has dropped 5 per cent over the past quarter , compared with an 11 per cent fall on the FTSE all share .

  2. 两次反弹分别持续了28天和60天,富时全类股指数(FTSEall-shareindex)分别上涨9.3%和16.7%。

    They lasted 28 and 60 days respectively and the FTSE All-Share index rose 9.3 per cent and 16.7 per cent .

  3. 在英国,富时全类股指数(ftseallshare)的股息率自从去年9月以来一直高于10年期美国国债收益率,目前高出近两个百分点。

    In the UK , the dividend yield on the FTSE all-share has been above that of 10-year gilts since September last year and is nearly 2 percentage points higher .

  4. 毕竟,2007年年底波顿退休时,他的过往记录无人能比:他管理的特殊情况基金28年间的年化回报率较富时全类股指数(FTSEall-shareindex)高出惊人的6%。

    After all , when Mr Bolton retired at the end of 2007 , his track record was second to none . His Special Situations fund outperformed the FTSE All-Share index by an extraordinary 6 per cent per annum over a period of 28 years .

  5. 他的长期业绩纪录,令他跻身超级基金经理行列。在他的28年任期内,该基金年增长率高达19.5%,远远领先于富时全类股指数(FTSEall-shareindex)同期13.5%的年度增幅。

    His long-term performance record puts him in the super-manager league , his fund 's annual growth rate of 19.5 per cent during his tenure being well ahead of the 13.5 per cent annual gain by the FTSE All Share index over the same 28 years .

  6. 福得律师事务所(FieldFisherWaterhouse)指出,在过去20年里,非董事级别员工持股比例超过10%的英国公司,股票表现平均每年超出其他富时全类股指数(FTSEall-Share)成分股公司股票11%。

    Over the past two decades , shares in British companies in which non-board level employees owned more than 10 per cent of the stock outperformed other FTSE All-Share companies by an average of 11 per cent a year , says law firm Field Fisher Waterhouse .

  7. 虽然金融类股在全球指数中的权重达到五分之一,但指望银行股在全球流动性收紧时表现出色,似乎有些乐观。

    Although financials are a fifth of the global index , it seems optimistic to hope banks will perform well when global liquidity is tightening .

  8. 由于投资者纷纷迈进出口商类股,日经225指数涨逾2%。

    The Nikkei 225 share index rose more than 2 per cent as investors bought shares in exporters .