
  1. 您还应该把不用的包装器类从EAR文件中删除。

    You should also remove the unused wrapper classes from the EAR file .

  2. 氨肽酶是一类从多肽链的N端顺序水解氨基酸、使氨基酸逐个游离出来的酶,主要应用于食品工业。

    Aminopeptidase is a kind of hydrolytic enzymes , freeing the amino acids from the N-ter-minal sequence of the proteins or peptides , mainly used in the food industry .

  3. 由于生命线类型到在一个合作的序列图表上,因此这些UML类从每个UML类跟踪到每个相应的合作中。

    As types of lifelines on a sequence diagram in a collaboration , these UML classes trace from each UML class to each corresponding collaboration .

  4. 您可以使用HttpClient类从YahooFinance检索动态数据(例如,这支股票目前的价格)。

    You retrieve dynamic data from Yahoo Finance ( for example , the current price of the stock ) using the HttpClient class .

  5. 在某些平台上(特别是Windows),您还可以在PackageExplorer视图中通过简单拖放的方法将类从一个包或者文件夹中移到另一个包或文件夹中。

    On some platforms ( notably Windows ), you can also move classes from one package or folder to another by simply dragging and dropping them in the Package Explorer view .

  6. onLoad在类从数据库中加载时被调用。

    OnLoad gets called when the class is loaded from the database .

  7. 第一章讨论了一类从内部产生抑制项的非均匀Chemostat竞争模型。

    In the first chapter , we discuss an unstirring chemostat model of competition with internal inhibitor .

  8. 我们这类从牛津剑桥(Oxbridge,也称“牛桥”)毕业、统治着英国的白人异性恋男性,对定期从较低阶层发出的不满之声习以为常。

    We straight white Oxbridge-educated males who rule Britain are used to periodic rumblings of discontent from below .

  9. 在提供loadindex()和saveindex()实现的同时,具体的(与“抽象”相反)SomethingIndexer类从“mixin类”中继承SomethingSplitter。

    As well as providing implementations for load_index () and save_index (), concrete ( the opposite of " abstract ") SomethingIndexer classes inherit from the " mixin class " SomethingSplitter .

  10. 通过对Hamilton系统的适当扰动,给出一类从奇异闭轨线分支出极限环的微分系统,并加以举例说明。

    By means of disturbing Hamilton system suitably , a kind of differential system with limit cycle separated from fantastic closed trajectory was got , and some examples were given for explanation .

  11. DWRJava类从HttpSession对象中获得someManagedBean实例并设置其属性以反映用户当前会话状态。

    The DWR Java classes obtain the instance of someManagedBean from the HttpSession object and set its properties to reflect the current conversational state of the user .

  12. 匹配诸如阿拉伯文和希伯来文这类从右向左书写的字符。

    Matches characters from right-to-left scripts such as Arabic and hebrew .

  13. 一类从奇异闭轨线分支出极限环的微分系统

    A kind of differential system with limit cycle separated from fantastic closed trajectory

  14. 类从目录中删除项。

    Class deletes an entry from the directory .

  15. 我们将这类从金融机构入手的中小企业融资理论简称为金融机构观。

    We call these theories " the view of small & medium financing institution " .

  16. 此类重构在将类从一个包移到另一个包中时尤为有用。

    This type of refactoring is especially useful in moving classes from one package to another .

  17. 谈论了长岐开词的两类从要方式&基于规则的方式和基于统计的方式,并入行了比拟;

    We discuss the two main methods that rules-based approach and statistic-based approach , moreover compare them ;

  18. 欧文属于那类从本土传说和风物中获取灵感的作家。

    Irving was another American author for whom the native legend and landscape were sources of inspiration .

  19. 第二类从微观层面,或确切地说,从语言层面对《今日中国》进行研究。

    The second type studied China Today from a micro-level , or more explicitly , from a linguistic level .

  20. 美国政府的征税名单涵盖了1300类从中国进口的产品,价值约500亿美元。

    The proposed list covers more than 1300 products imported from China , worth around 50 billion U.S. dollars .

  21. 中国曾因成功实行了交易禁令并将虎类从其官方药用原材料名单中除去而受到了广泛的肯定。

    China is widely given credit for successfully enforcing the ban and removing tiger from the official list of medicinal substances .

  22. 继承是一个类从另一个类(称作基类)得到基本功能的能力。

    Inheritance is the ability for one class to receive its primary functionality from another class , also called its base class .

  23. 将基类标记为“私有”允许派生类从该基类继承而来,而无需实际成为一个基类。

    Marking the base class as " private " allowed the derived class to inherit from it without actually becoming one of them .

  24. 如果想要跳过这些步骤,您可以将类从一个包拖放到另一个包中。

    If you 'd like to skip these steps , you can drag and drop a class from one package to the other .

  25. 这个装置戴在狗的后背上,这个系统通过特殊的震动和铃声引导犬类从一个地点去往另一个地点。

    Worn on the dog 's back , the system issued specific vibrations and tones that guided the canines from one waypoint to another .

  26. 背景:将脂肪类从葡萄糖-氨基酸溶液分离出单独输注,非刻意地快速输注胃肠外脂肪乳剂存在一定风险。

    BACKGROUND : Inadvertent rapid infusion of parenteral lipid emulsion is an inherent risk when fats are infused separately from the dextrose-amino acid solution .

  27. 这个概念是基于一个跟踪对象,在对话框的父母和一个助手类从该对话框是双源存在。

    The concept is based on a tracker object that exists in the dialogs parent and a helper class from which the dialog is dual-derived .

  28. 将扫描器类从构成语法的规则中解耦形成了一个可以在不同语境下使用不同扫描器的语法类。

    Decoupling the scanner type from the rules that form a grammar allows the grammar to be used in different contexts possibly using different scanners .

  29. 子类从抽象类继承接口和方法,子类通过对抽象方法进行覆盖,实现了具体的方法。

    The subclass inherits the methods and interface from the abstract class , and it pro ¬ vides details for the abstract method by overriding it .

  30. 在需要通过创建另一个边界类从数据库中收集其他实体时,我已经有了基本框架。

    When it comes time to create another simple boundary class to harvest some entity from a database , I already have code to help me do that .