
  • 网络Chilli Extract;capsicum oleoresin
  1. 澄清型辣椒精的制备工艺

    Study on the Processing of the Clarifying Capsicum

  2. 辣椒精是从红辣椒果实中提取辣椒油,再经分离精制而得的一种天然的具有辣味的调味品。在鱼片两面洒上盐和黑椒,鱼片朝上的面刷上芫荽叶沙司。

    Capsaicin is a kind of natural hot sauce separated and refined from capsicol extracted from chili . Season both sides of fillets with salt and black pepper . Brush the top of each fillet with 1 tablespoon cilantro sauce .

  3. 高辣度辣椒油树脂(辣椒精)的提取研究

    Study on Extraction of Oleoresin Capsicum From Chilli

  4. 本文详细介绍了辣椒红色素、辣椒精、辣椒碱类化合物的生产、研究及应用现状,并就目前存在的问题和市场情况进行了分析。

    This article introduces the situation of production , research and application of capsanthin , oleoresin capsicum , capsaicine and the existing questions and mar -

  5. 色素辣椒品种资源色价评估及育种潜力分析辣椒精是从红辣椒果实中提取辣椒油,再经分离精制而得的一种天然的具有辣味的调味品。

    The Evaluation of Color Value Unite and Analysis of Breeding Potential of Paprika Red Chilli Breeding Resources Capsaicin is a kind of natural hot sauce separated and refined from capsicol extracted from chili .