
  1. 我吃了辣肠的想法。

    I ate the idea of the pepperoni .

  2. 我今天的午餐包括一根蒜味辣肠和一块长棍面包,还有一杯芒果酸奶。

    For lunch today I have had a chorizo and rocket baguette followed by a mango yoghurt .

  3. 哥伦比亚大学新的研究表明,和那些每天睡眠8小时的人相比,那些只睡4小时的更喜欢吃垃圾食品,比如意式辣肠披萨,蛋糕,芝士汉堡等。

    A new Columbia University study found that people are more likely to crave junky food , like pepperoni pizza , cake , and cheeseburgers , on four hours of sleep than they are on eight hours .

  4. 吴迪彭透露,泰国北部城市清迈的名菜香辣草药肠和东北部城市孔敬的烤鸡也在可送美食之列。

    Dishes would include northern Chiang Mai 's famous spicy herb sausages and northeastern Khon Kaen 's grilled chicken , Woodtipong said .

  5. 一位姓张的双汇员工周四说,该公司自2001年开始在香港向当地超市和快餐小吃店销售产品,主要是冷冻香肠,其中包括脆皮芝士肠和蜜辣香脆肠。

    A Shuanghui employee surnamed Zhang said Thursday that the company has been selling products in Hong Kong since 2001 , mostly frozen sausages , including " crispy cheese sausage " and " honey crispy sausage , " to local supermarkets and fast food eateries .