
  1. 类星体X射线辐射的性质

    The properties of X - ray radiation of quasars

  2. 最后,我们介绍了MR关系在天体物理学上的运用。MR关系在天体物理的应用主要是两个方面,一个是在黑洞双星上的应用,另一个是关于类星体射电二分的应用。

    Finally , we discuss the application of MR relation in astrophysics , which is focused on black hole binaries and radio dichotomy of quasars .

  3. 类星体Lα森林吸收线密度与发射红移的相关性

    Correlation Between Lyman Alpha Absorption Line Density and the Emission Line Redshift of the QSO

  4. 太阳是非常标准的DG-2类星。

    The sun is a very normal example of the type DG-2 star .

  5. LBQS类星体样品球空间功率谱分析

    Three dimensional spheroidal power spectrum analysis for LBQS quasar sample

  6. 南银极区星系与类星体候选者的相关性研究

    Correlation Studies Between Galaxies and Quasar Candidates in Southern Galactic Pole

  7. 类星体谱线证认与普通物理教学

    The identification of quasar spectral lines and general physics teaching

  8. 含偶氮苯类星型液晶化合物的光致变色

    Photochromism of the Star - like Liquid Crystals Containing Azobenzene

  9. 河外致密射电源,类星体嗯,每月700美元外加电费?

    Extragalactic compact radio source Hmm. $ 700 a month plus electricity ?

  10. 一种含偶氮苯类星型光致变色液晶材料的研究

    Study of the photochromic star-like liquid crystal containing azobenzene

  11. 利用多种类星体子集的统计分析来确定宇宙减速因子

    Determination of the cosmological deceleration parameter based on statistical analysis of various quasar subsets

  12. 类星体宽吸收线区的共振与电子散射偏振

    Polarization of Quasars : Electron and Resonant Line Scattering in the Broad Absorption Line Region

  13. 新型含萘酰亚胺端基的三苯胺类星状分子的合成及光电性能研究双子星座后体处于分离状态。

    Synthesis and Photo-Electro Properties of Novel Star-Shaped Molecules of Triphenylamine with Terminal Groups of Naphthalimide ;

  14. 几个可能的类星体团

    Some possible clusters of quasars

  15. 类星体光变特性的统计分析在此基础上,讨论了生物-光学变异性与海洋物理过程的关系。

    In addition , an analysis was made on the relationship between the temporal variability of bio - optical properties and the physical parameters .

  16. 本文提出了一种适合于特殊环境使用的光纤局域网的拓扑结构&类星型结构。

    A similar star network structure which is a topology structure of optical-fiber local aere network that suitable for special environment is put forward in this article .

  17. 这两类星都有一个共同的特性&具有过量的红外辐射,或称为红外超。红外超不是由中心恒星产生,而是由星周物质产生。

    A common character in these two group stars is presence of infrared excess , which is not attributed to the central star , but its circumstellar material .

  18. 本文对图的星临界性及其与图的临界性之间的关系进行研究,给出了两类星临界但非临界的平面图。

    In this paper , we investigate star color criticality of graphs and its relationship with color criticality by providing two types of planar graphs which are star color critical but not color critical .

  19. 这颗类星体内含有一个质量为太阳200亿倍的黑洞,在吞吃了大量宇宙尘埃和气体之后,其内含的能量已经达到太阳的数千万亿倍。

    This quasar holds a black hole that's20 billion times more massive than the sun , and after gobbling down dust and gas it belches out as much energy as a thousand trillion suns .

  20. 它所获得的如超致密的活动星系、类星体核结构的直接观测以及射电源中视超光速现象的发现等一系列天文成果,为人们认识宇宙打开了新窗口。

    Highlight work by this technique , as detailed mapping of the nuclei of active galaxies and quasars and the discovery of the so-called superluminal motion in radio sources has made a new window for astronomers .