
  1. 尝试建立以村为单位类似城市社区服务的居家养老服务机构;

    Trying to set up Home Care Service organizations in the villages , the function of which is similar to that of Community Service institutions in cities ;

  2. 类似的社区在发展途径上宜以农业为重心构建其经济体系,走农业产业化的道路。

    Agriculture should be regarded as the center to construct its economic system in similar community , and then can follow a way to focus on agricultural products .

  3. 重症及危重症甲流患者临床特点类似于一般社区获得性肺炎。

    The clinical features of the severe and critical influenza A were related to the ordinary pneumonia . 3 .

  4. 无论你干什么(或想要干什么),你都能找到一个类似这样的社区。

    No matter what you do ( or want to do ), you can likely find a community of welcoming peers .

  5. 就很多方面而言,此审批过程类似于开源社区如何表决是否发行新的代码版本。

    In many ways , this approval process is similar to how open-source communities vote on whether to release a new version of their code .

  6. 类似的大型创业社区在特拉维夫、东欧和南美部分地区纷纷涌现。

    Large entrepreneurial communities have similarly sprouted in Tel Aviv and pockets of eastern Europe and South America .

  7. 最后试图构建政府主导下的芙蓉街社区参与模式,并提出了完善和发展这个模型的相关建议,以期对我国类似历史街区的社区参与旅游开发提供一定的借鉴意义。

    In the end , the author tries to design the particular community participation model for Fu Rong Street , also provides some proposals to improve and develop this model for the sake of the tourism development by community participation of other historical districts in China .