
  • 网络Community Integration
  1. 城市郊区的社区整合研究

    Studies on the Community Integration of Suburb

  2. 结语部分就有关歌班组织的研究发现探讨非物质文化遗产传承与保护工作和社区整合问题。

    Conclusion Part discusses the reference value for the Protection and intangible cultural heritage and community integration .

  3. 关于当代中国城市社区整合研究

    On the Research on Contemporary China 's Urban Community Conformity

  4. 你们可以将公司同你们所处的社区整合在一起

    You can integrate your corporations with the communities that they exist in

  5. 必须加强社区整合,促进社区进一步发展。

    To accelerate the blossom of the community , community conformity must be strengthened .

  6. 转型期村落社会关系与社区整合探析&以浙北芦溪村为例

    A Survey of the Village Social Relationship and Community Conformity in the Transitional Period

  7. 第三部分:政府在社区整合中的几种实践模式。

    Part III : The integration of the community in the practice of several models .

  8. 公共物品的生产与社区整合机制

    The Production of Public Goods and the Mechanism of Community Integration & A Case Study of Luxi Village

  9. 仪式变迁与乡村社区整合&以广南县阿科村的祭竜仪式为例

    Ritual Change and Community Integration in Rural Area : Taking Dragon Sacrifice Ritual at Ake Village of Guangnan County as an Example

  10. 通过对上海、沈阳、江汉几种模式的比较分析试图得出一些对我国当前社区整合有用的启示。

    Through Shanghai , Shenyang , Jianghan comparative analysis of several models trying to draw some of our current community integration useful inspiration .

  11. 在此情况下亟需建立各种不同类型的社区整合机制,规范城市社区的职责与权利。

    Under the circumstance , it is necessary to set up community combined mechanism of different types and standardize community duty and right .

  12. 在研究上述因素在龙潭村的表现的基础上,本文结合旅游社区整合模型进行分析。

    After a field research of those elements in Longtan Village , the paper then makes an analysis combining the model of community integration in tourism .

  13. 客观形势的发展要求对原有的城市基层管理体制进行改革,并建立一种新的社会治理和社区整合机制。

    The requirements of the development of the objective situation to the original city basic unit management system reform , and establish a new social governance and community integrated mechanism .

  14. 同时以庐山为例,从居民入手,通过社会分层、居民参与等途径进行深入的分析,运用社区整合规划解决居民社会问题。

    With Lushan Scenic Area as an example , it finds that such measures as social classification and dwellers participation in the community integration planning can solve the local social problems .

  15. 理论研究在于推动实践发展。第二部分,坚持理论与实践、微观与宏观相结合,系统总结当前城市社区整合机制建设方面的初步成效和突出问题,&并对问题成因进行了具体分析。

    The purpose of theoretical research is to advance practical development , so the second part in my paper insists on combination of theory with practice and combination of microscopic with macroscopic .

  16. 对案例社区整合实践过程总结和反思的基础上,本文对多库区移民社区冲突的机制和整合策略进行了尝试性的探索。

    The paper based on the summary of the community integration of the case and reflection on practice , have a trying to explore in more immigrant communities conflict the mechanisms and integration strategy in the reservoir area .

  17. 指出在清代江南社会中,宗族组织往往通过发挥其的功能性职责而不是固守系谱观念,以便在社区整合中真正达到控制地方社会的目的。

    The article concludes that in Qing - era Jiangnan society , lineage control of local communities could not be realized until the lineage fulfilled its service function to the entire community rather than limiting its attention solely to its own lineage .

  18. 在前文对政府治理在社区整合中的几种实践模式分析的基础上,结合对政府治理的分析与对公共政策的分析对构建城市社区整合模式做了进一步探讨。

    The text of the former government in the management of community integration in the practice of several models on the basis of the analysis , combined with an analysis of governance and public policy analysis for building a model of integrated urban communities to explore further .

  19. 提高社区的整合能力与居民的认同意识

    To lift social conformity capability and inhabitants'sanction idea of community

  20. 大都市城区跨界商业社区空间整合机制探讨

    A Discussion on Spatial Integration Mechanism of Crossing-boundaries Commercial Community in Urban Areas

  21. 旅游与社区的整合研究

    A Study on Integration of Tourism and Community

  22. 村落社区资源整合研究&以遇驾山村落社区为例

    Research On Tribes and Villages Resource Integration

  23. 对于正在变化中的农村来说,外部性国家整合与社区自我整合都是不可或缺的。

    External state integration and internal community self-integration are both necessary for the changing villages .

  24. 苏南新农村社区生态整合设计技术措施研究

    Study on Integrated Eco-technical Measures on New Rural Residential Community in Southern of Jiangsu Province

  25. 基于这一判断,第三节关注旅游所引致的冲突对于西塘社区的整合功能。

    Based on this judgment , third section of this chapter concentrates on integrating function of conflict .

  26. 传统体制下的社会体育整合模式弱化与社区体育整合模式的兴起

    Weakening about Conformity Model of Social Sports in Traditional System and Growing up Conformity Model of Community Sports

  27. 旅游与社区的整合是实现社区旅游业可持续发展的目标之一。

    The integration of tourism and community is one of aims that will realize sustainable development of community tourism .

  28. 构建城市社区文化整合机制是破解城市社区文化发展问题的有效方法。

    An effective way to solve the problems of urban community culture is constructing a mechanism for integrating urban community cultures .

  29. 但随着改革的不断深化,传统体制下的社会体育整合模式不断弱化,而社区体育整合模式逐步兴起。

    As reform deepening , it is Weakening for the Conformity Model of Social Sports in Traditional System and Growing up for the Conformity Model of Community Sport .

  30. 方法1.将儿童智能发育社区干预整合到各医院社区卫生服务,由社区医生上门向新生儿家长传授小儿全脑开发技术,由母亲训练儿童,社区医生定期督导并监测小儿智能发育情况。

    Methods 1 . Children mental developement community intervention was connected with community hygiene service . Community doctors teached infant brain developement technique to infants ' parents at home . Children were trained by their mothers .