
  • 网络social taboo
  1. 与社会禁忌相关的词语和表达方式被称为禁忌语。

    Those words and expressions related to social taboos are called linguistic taboos .

  2. 因此任何违反社会禁忌以及政治正确性的导火索都可能带来伤害。

    Thus any ignite violation of social taboos and political correctness could cause damage .

  3. 法律制裁的主要作用是,它能强化一种社会禁忌,而这种禁忌才是真正有效的。

    the chief mischief of the legal penalties is that they strengthen the social stigma .

  4. 专家指出,纹一两个刺青已不再是过去那种社会禁忌的反传统文化之举。

    Sporting a tattoo or two is no longer the taboo counterculture act it once was .

  5. 在印度,男女之间在公共场合举止亲密仍还是被普遍认为成社会禁忌。

    Public displays of affection between men and women are still widely considered a social taboo in India .

  6. 台湾当代剧场的一大特色是具有强烈的现实和政治意义,其中,对社会禁忌的突破尤其突出。

    A prominent feature about Taiwan contemporary theatre is its strong realistic and political meaning , particularly its challenge to social taboos .

  7. 俄狄浦斯情结作为人类心灵深处的的无意识的原型,被社会禁忌和道德规范所压抑。

    Oedipus complex is taken as unconscious archetypes at the bottom of human souls , which is repressed by the social taboos and moral rules .

  8. 本文就是要着重分析“俄狄浦斯”情结是如何逃过社会禁忌和道德规范的眼睛,而在艺术作品中大放光彩的。

    This text will emphatically analyze how Odeipus complex avoided eyes of the social taboos and moral rules and gave out brilliant light in artistic works .

  9. 目前在试图监测墨西哥所有形式“暗黑旅游业”的洛佩兹认为,暗黑旅游有助于消除关于曾被认为难以想象的观光地的社会禁忌,让人们不再恐惧。

    Lopez , who is currently trying to track dark tourism in all forms in Mexico , believes that dark tourism helps remove social taboos and fears of people about visiting places once considered unthinkable .

  10. 这个短语常用来指代显而易见,但是因为禁忌或者怕引起尴尬而被某一群体忽略的问题、方法或者有争议的话题,比如种族、宗教等一些社会禁忌的话题。

    The term is used to refer to a question , problem , solution , or controversial issue that is obvious , but which is ignored by a group of people , generally out of embarrassment or taboo , such as an issue that involves a social taboo like race or religion .

  11. 社会文化禁忌与监督机制缺乏;

    Social culture taboo and absence of supervision mechanism ;

  12. 由于社会的禁忌,我曾经被箝制住,不能为所欲为;但是,我在白沙瓦这种地方拿到飞行员执照,就是要打破禁忌。

    I was restrained from doing much in life because of social taboos , but I broke those taboos by taking flying lessons in a place like Peshawar .

  13. 首先,考察了原始社会图腾禁忌的分类思维机制;其次考察了人类进入文明社会之后分类与命名机制的发展历程,指出了它们具有本质性的秩序构造功能。

    First , this chapter reviewed the classification of thinking mechanism of totem taboo in primitive society . Second , it inspects the development of classification and naming mechanism in civilized society and points out that they have essential function to make order .

  14. 近亲通婚是现代社会的最后禁忌之一,大部分人还是无法接受这种观念。

    Incest remains one of society 's last taboos and is an unthinkable concept to most people .

  15. 作为一种常见的文化现象和社会现象,禁忌存在于世界上的所有地方。

    Taboos as a very common cultural phenomenon as well as a social phenomenon exist everywhere in the world .

  16. 禁止性规范起源于原始社会的食物禁忌与性禁忌,主要以图腾禁忌的形式表现出来,这充分显示了制度起源的平凡性。

    Prohibitive norms originated from food taboo and sexual taboo of primitive society , and mainly displayed by the form of totem taboo , which fully demonstrated the common nature of institutional origin .

  17. 性权利的规范起源于古代社会的性禁忌,此后一直到现代社会,性权利的规范基本是自上而下的控制模式。

    The norms of sexual rights can date back to the sex taboos in ancient times . From then till morden society , the norm of sexual rights are followed the top-down control pattern .

  18. 在乡土社会中,身体禁忌占主导、物理空间禁忌相对较少并表现出鲜明的等级性。

    In the rural society , the body taboos are dominant , while the physical spatial taboos are less , and the taboos show the distinct hierarchy .

  19. 离婚曾是日本社会的一大禁忌,而如今日本的离婚率却不断上升,2008年日本约有25.1万对夫妇离婚,其中一部分原因是经济不景气对婚姻造成了影响。

    Divorce is on the rise in Japan , where it was once taboo , with about 251,000 divorces taking place in 2008 , partly blamed on the poor economy taking its toll on romance .

  20. 禁忌语来源于社会生活,是社会禁忌的一部分。

    Taboo speech , originating from social life , is part of social taboos .

  21. 因此,两者之间有冲突,一方面,从进化论角度来看,你有这样的冲动,但是从社会建构的立场看,这不合适,是社会禁忌。

    And so you 've got this tension between what might be evolutionarily wired impulses and the kind of social constraints that say this isn 't good , this isn 't appropriate , this is taboo .