
  • 网络Civil religion;Civic Religion
  1. 第二部分论述公民宗教形成的理论基础。

    Part II discusses the theoretical basis that civil religion forms .

  2. 卢梭的瞬间与公民宗教

    Rousseau 's " Moment " and " Civil Religion "

  3. 第三部分是公民宗教形成的动力因素。

    Part III is the driving force factor that civil religion forms .

  4. 由此立法者的最基本职能必须托付给一种公民宗教。

    Thus the most basic functions of the legislators must be entrusted toa civil religion .

  5. 在总体主义的面向上,涂尔干提出了法人团体以及公民宗教的主张。

    In the overall doctrine oriented , Durkheim body corporate as well as advocates of civil religion .

  6. 而公民宗教则更多包含了他力图从公共社会生活进行整合的理论愿景。

    The civic religion more He has endeavored to integrate theory from the public social life vision .

  7. 公民宗教:对现代宗教社会如何确立政治信仰的新思考

    Civil Religion : A New Consideration on How to Establish Political Conviction in the Modern Religious Society

  8. 第五部分指出美国独特的人文精神是公民宗教形成的情感纽带。

    Part V points out that the unique human spirit is the emotional ties that form civil religion .

  9. 但这一概念又因内在的矛盾而依赖于大立法者和公民宗教的出场。

    But this concept relies on because of the intrinsic contradiction the big legislator and citizen religion entering the stage .

  10. 政教分离原则这一独特的政体制度是公民宗教形成的前提条件。

    Separation of church and state which is the distinctive form of government system is the premise condition forming civil religion .

  11. 文章意在研究公民宗教对于卢梭社会契约论的意义。

    This paper attempts to discuss the significance of " civil religion " on the theory of the Social Contract by Rousseau .

  12. 在司法保障方面,中国对侵犯公民宗教信仰自由权利的行为有明确的惩处规定。

    With respect to judicial guarantee , China stipulates clearly the penalties for the infringement of citizens ' right to freedom of religious belief .

  13. 在个体主义的面向上,涂尔干相应探讨了个人在法人团体中的职业伦理以及个人在公民宗教中公民道德问题。

    Oriented individualism , Durkheim corresponding to explore the ethical issues of professional ethics and personal of personal body corporate citizens in the civil religion .

  14. 从清教思想、启蒙哲学以及罗马政治理论三个方面阐述了公民宗教形成的理论基石。

    From Puritan ideology , Enlightenment philosophy and Rome political theory , thus three aspects have set forth the theory foundation that civil religion forms .

  15. 公民宗教是在政教分离的情况下,借助于宗教的形式来为社会确立共同的政治信仰。

    Under the condition of separation of religion from politics , civil religion sets up common political conviction for the society with the aid of religious form .

  16. 作者试图说明独立战争催生了公民宗教;南北战争又为公民宗教增添了新的时代内涵。

    The author has tried to explain that Revolutionary War hastens citizen religion ; north-south civil war and added a new connotation of the times to civil religion .

  17. 第四部分从公民宗教形成的社会氛围入手,着重分析了美国多元化的宗教信仰、规模化的宗教团体、社会化的宗教活动以及普遍化的宗教观念。

    Part IV from the social atmosphere which forms civil religion start , having analyzed the wide range of religious beliefs , scale religious organization , socialization activities , and universalization concepts .

  18. 公民宗教对改善我国宗教与政治的关系,在宗教界进行以爱国主义和公民教育为主题的政治信仰也具有积极的现实意义。

    On improving the relation between religion and politics , civil religion exerts great significance in carrying out the education of political conviction focusing on the theme of the patriotism and civil education .

  19. 由于革命家自身浓厚的宗教情结,导致了大革命在宗教问题上经历了教会改革、非基督教化运动和创立公民宗教信仰的一波三折。

    Because the revolutionists had strong feeling on religion , it caused twists and turns to the revolution on religious problem , including the church reform , unchristianization movement , establishment of religious belief .

  20. 公民宗教借助宗教情感、习俗信仰表达社会理想、民族精神和政治信仰,在处理美国宗教与政治关系中发挥着重要作用。

    Civil religion uses religious emotion , custom and belief to express social idea , national spirit and political belief , which plays an important role in dealing with American religious and political relation .

  21. 美国的公民宗教为我们提供了在政教分离的情况下,利用宗教的政治功能来服务于社会政治生活的范例。

    The American civil religion provides us with an example that under the condition of separation of religion from politics , it serves the political life in the society by virtue of the political function of religion .

  22. 美国天主教会表面的世俗化特征,究其实质而言并非对宗教信仰的排斥,而是宗教精神与自由精神的紧密结合。也是美国公民宗教理念社会实践的重要组成部分。

    Intrinsically , the secularization of Catholic Church should be read as the merging of religious spirit and freedom as well as an essential part of social practice of American civil religion , rather than the rejection of traditional belief .

  23. 在梳理公民宗教与公民教育历史的基础上,文章通过对公民教育目标、内容和载体方法的分析,探讨了公民宗教与公民教育的关系,特别是公民宗教在公民教育中的作用。

    Based on analyzing the history of civil religion and civic education , the paper investigates its relation , especially the influence of civil religion in civic education , by analyzing the aim , content and manner o civic education .

  24. 中国宪法规定,公民有宗教信仰自由。

    China 's Constitution stipulates that citizens enjoy freedom of religious belief .

  25. 新政府保证全体公民信仰宗教的权利。

    The new government has promised all citizens the right to practise their religion .

  26. 我国政府也明文规定保障公民的宗教信仰自由。

    Our country government also expressly provided safeguard citizens ' freedom of religious belief .

  27. 第三十六条中华人民共和国公民有宗教信仰自由。

    Article 36 Citizens of the People 's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief .

  28. 国家保护公民的宗教信仰自由和正常的宗教活动。

    The state protects the freedom of religious belief and the normal religious activities of citizens .

  29. 劳拉·什称,3亿美元的资金将投入非洲和美国的非政府组织,同样也包括公民和宗教团体。

    Laura Bush said thirty million dollars will go to African and American nongovernmental organizations , as well as civic and religious groups .

  30. 公民对宗教的信仰促成其对法律的信赖与信仰,法律权威根深公民内心。

    Citizens ' religious beliefs contributed to the trust and faith of the law , the legal authority deep into citizens ' heart .