
  1. 因此,深化公共行政体系体例改造势在必行。

    Therefore , it is imperative to deepen structural reform of public administration .

  2. 面对越来越复杂的社会,国家已经丧失应有的行为能力,作为社会一致性中枢的公共行政体系能力衰减,并进一步成为公众的负担,中央集权、分等论级的控制不再有效;

    The nation has lost due capacity in facing with the more and more complicated society , as the society consistency , the ability of the central public administration system attenuates and becomes the burden of the public further , centralization and social estate system become no longer valid .

  3. 试论政府转型过程中的公共行政伦理体系建构

    Public administration ethics system arrangement in the government innovation period

  4. 本文从公共卫生行政体系、公共卫生服务体系、保健防疫体系三个方面呈现民国公共卫生体系的概况。

    This paper , from the public health administrative system , the public health service system , the health care epidemic prevention system three aspects to present the general situation of the public health system .

  5. 政治代理人能否基于国家根本制度的设计而谋求公益,真正负载起委托人(人民)的权力重托,构成中、西方公共行政伦理体系的根本分野。

    This dividing line between the Chinese and western public administrative moral systems is whether the political agents can be entrusted with the people 's rights and can realize public interests according to the country 's basic system .

  6. 公共行政部门的薪酬体系设计

    Salary System Design of Public Administrative Department

  7. 理论研究和实践表明,政府公共行政和公共管理体系在创造和提升国家竞争力方面具有重要的作用。

    Both theoretical researches and practice indicate that the governmental public administration and management systems play an vital role to create and enhance the competitiveness of a country .

  8. 当今世界发展日新月异,政府公共行政与公共管理体系在创造和提升国家综合竞争力方面具有不可替代的作用。

    The current world is developing rapidly . The roles of government public administration and management system are essential to creating and promoting the comprehensive competitions of a country .

  9. 新公共管理对传统公共行政学的理论体系与逻辑结构产生了较为明显的本质性改变,但两者在理论与实务上的更替和转借并存。

    New public administration has caused obvious essential change in the theoretical system and logic structure of traditional administrative science , but they co-exist in the exchange and loan in theory and practice .

  10. 因此,必须对公共行政伦理进行价值定位,借鉴国外公共行政伦理建设的经验,建构中国当代公共行政伦理的规范体系。

    Therefore , it is necessary for us to carry out the value location of the public administrative ethic and to establish a series of related principles by learning from foreign experience .