
  • 网络public assets
  1. 试论公有资产的存在形态与公有制为主体

    On Existing Form of Public Assets and Public Ownership as Main Body

  2. 实物资产和虚拟资产是公有资产的两种主要存在形态。

    Practicality assets and virtual assets are two main existing forms of the public assets .

  3. 公有资产的支配和使用必然存在着委托代理关系。

    There exists a Kind of agent relationship in the disposition and utilization of public assets .

  4. 关于建立现代公有资产运营机制的思考&从顺德的实践看企业产权改革和管理

    Pondering over the establishment of the working system of modern public assets - Shunde 's practice in the innovation and management of the enterprise ownership

  5. 形成城乡较大收入差距的原因,既有改革前工业化战略剥夺农业剩余等原始因素,又有城乡在承担改革成本、占有公有资产上的不公平等继续存在的亲城市、歧视农村的因素。

    The big income gap between urban and rural residents has not only resulted from the industrialization stripping the surplus of agriculture , but also from the continuing discriminatory treatment between urban and rural residents on sharing cost of reform and controlling the public-owned assets .

  6. 高校未售公有住房资产管理中房租收缴系统的应用

    The application of rents taking-over system in the management of unsold public-owned houses in higher education institutions

  7. 公有制为主体是以实物资产与虚拟资产相统一的公有资产为主体。

    Taking public ownership as main body is the unity of practicality assets and virtual assets .

  8. 由于监督成本的存在以及公有制中固有的监督弱化,代理人利用手中的代理权力获取相应的代理人利益,导致公有资产配置效率低下。

    Since the existence of supervision costs and the weakening of supervision in public assets , by using power in their hands , agents can gain the corresponding interests , and lead to the low efficiency of disposition of public resources .