
  1. 行政行为公定力界限新探

    A new view on the scope of administrative act authority

  2. 行政行为公定力理论基础探究

    The Exploration About the Basic Theory of the Determination of Executive Act

  3. 行政行为的公定力是行政行为效力的一部分。

    The presumptive legality of administrative act is a part of administrative effectiveness .

  4. 无效行政行为是对行政行为公定力的否定。无效行政行为有广义和狭义之别。

    Invalid administrative acts make a denial of the authority of administrative acts .

  5. 行政行为公定力探讨

    On the Public Enforcing Legality of Administrative Behavior

  6. 行政行为公定力问题研究

    Studying on the De Facto of Administrative Act

  7. 第一部分通过评析既有学说,探讨了公定力的理论基础;

    Based on the existed theory , Chapter one probes into the fundamental of de facto force .

  8. 第二部分论证了有限公定力,并提出用无效行政行为理论对公定力进行制约;

    Chapter two proves the limited facto force , puts forward nullity administrative act theory to restrict facto force .

  9. 最后,本章还探讨了与行政契约无效密切相关的问题&行政契约的公定力问题。

    Finally , this chapter discusses the problem closely related to invalidation of administrative contract & the validity of presume-legal .

  10. 所以,行政行为之公定力作为历史性概念应逐步退出行政行为的效力领域。

    As a historic conception , the presumptive legality of administrative act should be retreated from the validity scope of administrative act .

  11. 这对我国行政法学理论有关行政行为公定力原理提出了强有力的挑战,值得行政法学理论认真对待和反思。

    This change has strongly challenged the facto force principle of the administrative act which we have to treat and review seriously .

  12. 从恭敬到不从命&在知识产权审判中法院对待行政行为公定力的态度变迁

    From Obedience to Challenge & Change of the relation between the courts and administration agencies in the cases on intellectual property rights

  13. 第三部分分析了公定力产生的条件,及其在行政法、刑法、民法领域的具体要求;

    Chapter three analyses the condition of facto force production and discusses its demand in civil laws , criminal laws and administrative laws .

  14. 具体行政行为中认定的事实具有相对公定力,直接确定的法律关系具有绝对公定力。

    The f act s confirmed in the specific administrative act have relative force , while the legal relations confirmed directly have absolute force .

  15. 既往的行政行为公定力理论基础学说没有把握住公定力的实质。

    Previous theories about the basic theory of the determination of executive act did not master the nature of the determination of executive act .

  16. 行政行为公定力的理论基础是建立行政行为公定力制度的理论支撑。

    The basic theory of the determination of executive act is the theoretic support for establishing the system of the determination of executive act .

  17. 对行政行为公定力存在的正当性和无限公定力说进行了分析。

    An analysis is made of the appropriateness of the public enforcing legality of administrative behavior and " theory of indefinite public enforcing legality " .

  18. 行政行为的公定力是指行政行为的效力范围及于全社会,而不限于当事人,它和行政行为的推定有效是两个不同法律范畴的概念。

    The public determinative force of administrative act means that it is effective in the whole society , and is different from the former concept .

  19. 附属证据性行政问题的实质是具体行政行为公定力与证据效力的关系问题。

    The essential of accessorial evidential administrative problem is the problem of relationship between the bonding force of concrete administrative behavior and the evidence effectiveness .

  20. 房地产合作建房合同效力的认定及处理具体行政行为公定力与其证据效力关系辨析&兼论诉讼中附属证据性行政问题的解决

    The Cognizance and Treatment of the Validity of Co-Building Contracts in Real Estates Development Discrimination between the Public Force of Concrete Administrative Behavior and Evidence Effectiveness

  21. 发轫于日本的行政行为公定力理论并非传统行政法学虚构的神话,而是一个具有丰富内涵的基本范畴。

    Japan commenced in the presumptive rightfulness of administrative act theory is not the traditional administrative law fictitious myth , but a basic concept with rich meaning .

  22. 无效行政行为制度存在的理论基础是有限公定力说,该制度的存在是对行政行为公定力的挑战。

    The theory 's foundation of invalid administrative act system is the limited determination theory , and this institution is a challenge to the determination of administrative act .

  23. 行政行为之公定力是传统行政法学上的一个基础性概念,曾为维护行政秩序的稳定起了重要作用。

    The presumptive legality of administrative act is a basic conception on traditional administrative jurisprudence . It has ever exerted very important function to maintain stability of administrative order .

  24. 理论上,行政行为公定力界限存在“有限公定力说”和“完全公定力说”之争。

    There are theoretically two different theories on the scope of administrative act authority : the " limited authority theory " and the other " absolute authority theory " .

  25. 第五部分主要探讨了公定力与证据效力问题,运用公定力原理及无效行政行为理论,对刑事、民事诉讼中行政附属问题提出了解决思路。

    Chapter five discusses the relation between facto force and evidence effectiveness , applies the theory of nullity administrative act and facto force to solve administrative attached problem in civil , criminal lawsuit .

  26. 据此,行政权的正当性、社会对行政权的尊重和行政权的救济控制组成了行政行为公定力的理论基础。

    So the legality of executive power 、 the respect to executive power by the society and the relief control of executive power constitute the basic theory of the determination of executive act .

  27. 公定力理论在学界备受质疑,但是至少在紧急状态下仍然需要其以有限公定力的形式存在。

    The theory of the De Facto Force had been questioned in the academic , but we still need it as the form of limited the De Facto Force under the state of emergency .

  28. 它是一个具有特定内涵的范畴,其存在的理论依据是行政行为公定力的有限性,并以公民权利抵制行政权力为它的价值背景。

    The theoretical basis for this theory is the limitation of the public power of administration ; and it takes the resistance of the civil right to the power of administration as its value background .

  29. 第二章在评述行政行为效力内容既有学说的基础之上,分别对行政行为的公定力、不可变更力、执行力及不可争力作了研究;

    Based on the existed theory on the content of the validity of administrative act , Chapter two inquires into the De Facto Force , unchangeable Force , Enforceable Force and Restraint Force of administrative act respectively .

  30. 完全摒弃公定力理论并非明智之举,应有限度地保留公定力理论,即坚持有限公定力,这也是目前学界的主流观点。

    Is not wise to completely abandon the theory of the Public Force , should retain the theory of the Public Force , which upholds the limited Public Force , which is currently the academic mainstream view .