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  1. 这个世界充满了不公,但神总是与我们同在。

    The world is filled with injustice , but God is always with us .

  2. 约伯曾说,我是公义,神夺去我的理。

    For Job hath said , I am righteous : and God hath taken away my judgment .

  3. 不错,但是公义的神也不能容让背叛、罪恶而不审判。

    " God love the world ," Yes , but the justice of God can not allow betrayal , rather than criminal trial .

  4. 愿恶人的恶断绝。愿你坚立义人。因为公义的神察验人的心肠肺腑。

    O let the evil of the evil-doer come to an end , but give strength to the upright : for men 's minds and hearts are tested by the God of righteousness .

  5. 神在耶利米书31:3说,我以永远的爱爱你,因此我以慈爱吸引你。但是,神也是圣洁公义的神,他说我们都违反了神的律法。

    He says in Jeremiah 31 : 3 , " I have loved you with an everlasting love . " Because God is holy and truth , He must tell us about our condition , and our condition is that we have broken His laws .

  6. 诸天必表明他的公义。因为神是施行审判的。

    And the heavens proclaim his righteousness , for God himself is judge .

  7. 因为不能进行审问就给人判刑是违法的。诸天必表明他的公义。因为神是施行审判的。(细拉)

    Because it is unlawful to condemn a man without a hearing . and let the heavens make clear his righteousness ; for God himself is the judge . ( Selah . )