
  1. 公共外语教学与校外外语培训

    Common Foreign Language Teaching and Foreign Language Training outside the Campus

  2. 试论公共外语教学中教师主导作用的发挥

    On the Public in Foreign Language Teaching Teachers to Play a Leading Role

  3. 关于职业技术师范院校公共外语教学改革的几点想法

    Some tentative ideas about the foreign language teaching reform in professional technical teachers colleges

  4. 高校公共外语教学内容和教学方法改革与实践的研究

    Study on Reform and Practice of Content and Approaches of College Foreign Language Teaching

  5. 研究生公共外语教学改革刍议

    On Foreign Language Teaching for Public Postgraduates

  6. 四六级考试及大班授课带来的潜在心理影响&试析落后地区的大学公共外语教学问题

    The Potential Psychological Influence of CET4 / 6 and Large Class Teaching of College English

  7. 如何在高职院校公共外语教学中实行差异教育

    How to Realize Different Education in the Public English - Teaching in Higher Professional University

  8. 本文分析了当前理工科高校公共外语教学的现状,并根据国内外文献资料,依据心理学。

    The present situation of the common foreign language teaching in colleges of science and engineering is analysed .

  9. 在大学公共外语教学过程中,读课型分为精读,泛读及快速阅读。

    The reading courses in the teaching of public foreign languages include intensive , extensive and fast reading .

  10. 关于我国高师院校公共外语教学课程设置模式的若干思考

    Some Thoughts on the Curriculum Mode of the College Foreign Languages Teaching in Normal Colleges and Universities of China

  11. 随着大学公共外语教学改革的深入,学生的英语听力水平越来越受到人们的关注。

    With the development of educational reforms , increasing importance has been attached to the English listening ability of college students .

  12. 当前,大学的公共外语教学似乎出现危机,学生普遍对其缺乏兴趣。

    At present , the common foreign language teaching in the colleges seems in crisis , the students lack interest in it .

  13. 理工科高校公共外语教学的探讨&关于加强外语快速阅读训练的途径

    An inquiry into the common foreign language teaching in Colleges of science and engineering & on the ways of drills for fast reading

  14. 大学英语考试在我省只实行了五至六年,但对我省公共外语教学起到了积极的推动作用,师生增加了英语教与学的投入,激发了学生学习英语的积极性。

    College English Band Test has been adopted for five or six years , it has a great influence on English teaching in our province .

  15. 从语言的本质和语言习得的规律的角度出发,阐述了语言共核与语言变体的关系,指出现阶段高校公共外语教学的方向,仍然是以教授语言共核为主,语言变体为辅;

    On the basis of the nature of language and the rules in language acquisition , this paper discusses the relationship between language core and language variation .

  16. 主要阐述大学公共外语教学应与时代接轨,以需求为导向,培养知识结构合理、外语应用能力强的专业技术人才。

    Mainly , it expounds that non-major college English teaching should keep accordance with the times and cultivate professional talents with reasonable knowledge structure and strong ability to use English .

  17. 本文详细阐述了在高职院校公共外语教学中实施差异教育的必要性和具体方法步骤。

    This paper , in detail , puts forward the necessity and concrete means and steps on how to realize different education in the public English - teaching in higher professional university .

  18. 在目前的大学公共外语教学中,存在着相当严重的口语焦虑现象,这在某种程度上妨碍了学生交际能力的发展及口语水平的提高。

    Nowadays , in college English teaching for non-English majors , there exists fairly serious oral anxiety , which to a certain degree becomes an obstacle to hinder the progress of the students ' communicative competence and oral proficiency .

  19. 高职院校公共外语写作教学中的几大环节

    On the Methods in English Writing Teaching in Higher Vocational and Technological Colleges

  20. 大学公共外语翻译教学的基本理念与方法

    The Basic Concepts and Methods of Public English Translation Teaching in Colleges and Universities

  21. 公共外语课堂教学模式试验研究&上海体育学院大学英语教改探索

    Experimental study on the teaching mode of college English & Exploration of reformation in FLT at Shanghai University of Sports

  22. 这工作非我所能承担。此外外国语学院还承担着全校公共外语的教学与科研工作。

    This job is over my head . Besides , the school also takes care of the foreign language teaching of all the non-English major students of the university .

  23. 关于改进公共第二外语教学的思考

    Thinking over improving the teaching of a second foreign language

  24. 由此可见,要达到公共外语课的教学目的,必须建立起一支能适应公共外语教学的要求、同时具有较高学术水平和教学能力的公共外语师资队伍。

    It can be seen that in order to achieve its teaching goal we have to build a rank of college foreign language teachers with higher academic level and teaching competence , which may satisfy what the college foreign teaching requires .