
  1. 晚清广东的公局&士绅控制乡村基层社会的权力机构

    " Gong Ju ( Public Bureau )" of Guangdong in Late Qing Dynasty : A Power Institution to Control the Grass-roots Class in the Countryside by Gentry Class

  2. 研究广东公局,有助于进一步深入了解晚清士绅的地位、作用以及国家与社会的关系。

    The study of Gong Ju of Guangdong is of great help to deepen the understanding of the status and function of gentry in the late Qing Dynasty , and of the relationship between country and society .

  3. 太平天国的战乱严重破坏了徽州的社会系统,商人开始在地方社会发挥主导性的作用,组建了以新安屯溪公济局与徽宁医疗寄宿所为标志的社会医疗体系。

    Battle of Taiping Heaven badly destroyed the social system of Huizhou . Merchants started to play the leading role in local parts . At that time , they established social medical system which marked by Xin ' an Tunxi bureau and Huining medical shelters .